An unjust law is no law at all, and the more that injustice becomes the law of the land, the more likely that chaos comes, too. Why? Because injustice begets more injustice. Most humans have an antenna that can distinguish right from wrong, but most humans also ignore this antenna to their detriment. It is far easier to accept the world as it is — even when it is drenched in depravity — than to rebel against majority opinion. It is far safer to stay silent in the sight of outrageous sin than to stand alone and say, “This is wrong.”
As everyday wrongs pile up high, though, human antennae — even ones that have gone unused for too long — begin to twitch uncontrollably. Why are so many people today afflicted by sadness? Because sins are a heavy burden to carry. The mountains of evil rising in our world torment every soul. And only by actively fighting the resulting chaos can we hope to one day find salvation.
That idea — that the struggle against evil is worth any cost — is easier said than done. How can the actions of any one person make any meaningful difference? As Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it seems more logical to ask: how can any person dedicated to making a difference ultimately not succeed? Christ came to Earth to seed a message of hope and redemption and died for our sins. His disciples spread that message across the world, suffering torture and death, so that we might live. Christians have been persecuted, imprisoned, and slaughtered ever since, so that we might be saved. Next to their sacrifices, our hardships pale.
I admit that there is a rebellious streak in me. I am fond of rule-breakers who stand unafraid against evil. Rebellion for rebellion’s sake can be just as detrimental as injustice. Yet rebellion against injustice so that one may remain obedient to God is surely righteous. And when you say it out loud in that way — will you choose man’s laws or God’s? — the answer is obvious. So, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for God’s devout and indefatigable troublemakers.
As evidence that any one of us can make a difference in the fight against evil, I want to recognize the efforts of Bible smugglers around the world. Did you know that men and women routinely risk imprisonment and execution by secretly delivering God’s Word to populations forbidden from receiving Christ’s message?
Just as the apostles did two thousand years ago, followers of Christ still risk life and limb to spread His message today. In fact, the last century has been a busy one for God’s smugglers. They have navigated the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain, the Chinese Communist Party, and Islamic supremacists intent on Christianity’s eradication. Yet God’s smugglers have persevered.
For decades, two Finnish men named Antti and Esko smuggled Bibles into the Soviet Union and throughout the Eastern Bloc. They moved through Finnish forests in the dead of night, hid Bibles in secret compartments within their vehicles’ gas tanks, and eventually began manufacturing prefabricated housing components that allowed them to move tens of thousands of Bibles through Leningrad, Moscow, Tula, Oryol, Kiev, Kishinev, Romania, and Bulgaria. They survived many security checks and many “impossible situations,” and several of their collaborators were imprisoned. Through all those years of danger, though, Antti and Esko found strength through Scripture: The Lord will protect your going and your coming, now and forevermore.
In an ongoing operation today, there are Christians printing and smuggling Bibles into Middle Eastern countries that torture followers of Jesus Christ. “[T]hey tried to kill me five times,” one smuggler recounted, who shared the story of a Believer so thankful for their covert operations that the man embraced his new Bible as the “most important book on Earth.” A supporter of these perilous missions takes inspiration from the Book of Joshua: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Perhaps the most well-known Bible smuggler was Andrew van der Bijl (known by most as Brother Andrew, he died just last year), a fearless Christian from the Netherlands who risked his life on innumerable occasions to bring light into the darkness of totalitarian regimes. As he operated a kind of Christian spy ring with clandestine missions to deliver God’s Word, he developed a prayer: “Lord, in my luggage I have Scripture I want to take to your children. When you were on earth, You made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let the guards see those things You do not want them to see.”
That prayer saw him through nerve-racking encounters with Cold War border guards, Chinese communists, and Islamic security services. In an operation codenamed Project Pearl, he helped coordinate the delivery of a million Bibles for a Chinese Christian woman known as Mama Kwang and her small team of rebels to unload from a barge off the Southern coast in a single night. That “night of miracles” forty years ago has been credited with the explosion of Christian fellowship in China today.
As Brother Andrew was fond of noting, “The Bible is full of ordinary people who went to impossible places and did wondrous things simply because they decided to follow Jesus.” Inspiring others with his courage, he “was always on the hunt for new rebels and radicals willing to go to the darkest places on earth, at the risk of death, to change the world.”
You do not have to become an international spy in order to be one of Brother Andrew’s “rebels and radicals” for Christ. God blessed us each with special talents, and with these talents, we each have special obligations. It is up to each one of us to do what we can when we can with steadfast determination. Rebelling against the evils of this world requires no additional invitation.
Among his many sermons on the importance of sacrifice and hard work, English greengrocer and lay preacher Alfred Roberts attested: “There is no promise of ease for the faithful servant of the Cross, and there is no bypass round Calvary. You will have to be a man of humble heart and paradoxically also a man of authority. God wants no faint hearts for his ambassadors. He wants man, who having communed with heaven, can never be intimidated by the world.”
That’s invaluable advice. No matter how small we may feel, when we act with God in our hearts, we have nothing to fear. We become the rock around which those with no resolve must move. Roberts knew that humanity’s salvation depends on humanity’s character and, therefore, he spent a great deal of time forging in others indestructible souls filled with virtue, tenacity, and perseverance. By many measures, he was successful, but he is remembered most for the moral strength of his daughter — known all over the world simply as the Iron Lady.
You never know when your seemingly mundane words or actions might light a flame of courage in someone else. You do not know how your good example might affect another’s future. So speak bravely and live your life as if curious eyes are constantly watching. Be a person of both gentleness and authority. Be one of God’s valiant ambassadors. Be fearless, while others quiver. Be rebellious against injustice and defiant against evil. And remember this: no matter what tyrant rises or what iniquity spreads, God’s faithful children have nothing to dread.
Merry Christmas, friends.
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JD, I love you man and appreciate your writing and articles including this one. But I have to disagree with you on one point.
You said, “The mountains of evil rising in our world torment every soul. And only by actively fighting the resulting chaos can we hope to one day find salvation.” The truth is our salvation only comes through Christ and Him alone, our works or fighting does nothing for our salvation. Grace, free grace, His righteousness covers my sin by His act on the cross. I believe. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” Acts 16:31.
Grace, free grace,
Lunch, free lunch—not so simple. Knowledge of good and evil, and of your own commission of explicit sin, plus asking forgiveness in the context of Jesus’ crucifixion completes redemption. Grace, free grace, removes any need for the purposeful agony of our Savior. Tell that to your psychologist, if you aren’t one yourself.
His righteousness covers my sin by His act on the cross. I believe.
well Jack I appreciate your thoughts and I understand the apostate beliefs you are pushing but sadly you are pushing misinformation. We are saved by faith as it is a gift of God lest any many should boast. In Christ we are a new creation. New creations cannot revert back to an old creation. The list of scripture goes on endlessly that refutes your mindset however it comes down to one simple concept.
You are pushing the notion that our salvation is in part only complete by something we do. that is in direct contradiction to scripture sir. You should know that. In fact ALL of our righteousness in Gods eyes is of filthy rags. So which filthy rag do you propose completes the suffering that Christ did on the Cross. You know when he died the last words were “it is finished” You understand what finished means right. It means there is nothing that can be added.
We will stand before judgment before God first to see if we are justified and sanctified by the Blood of Christ. that determines where we spend eternity. After that judgment we will then be judged on our works in the faith which has absolutely zero bearing on our salvation but our rewards. I’m sorry you see it differently then the way it’s laid out in scripture but I feel the need to to clarify you becoming a false prophet and pushing false teachings that salvation is not a free gift and there is something we also need to contribute. That is in direct opposition to scripture.
Many will stand before God on that day and claim all the wonderful things they have done for the Lord, in his name. If you know scripture then you should know the verse. Jesus will look at them and say to depart for I never knew you. If you think you can add one thing to what’s been done for you it is rejecting the free gift of God. I hope you realize that before it’s decided at judgment which line you will standing in.
When it comes to the subject of “salvation and good works,” there are two serious errors that plague the church. One is that of Roman Catholicism, which teaches that in order to gain enough merit for salvation, we must add our good works to what Christ did on the cross. Under this view, you can never know for sure whether or not you are saved, because there is no way to check your “merit balance” to see if you’ve stored up enough. So you have to keep adding good works in the hope of gaining eternal life. Under Roman Catholic teaching, a person could never say what Paul says in Ephesians 2:8, “you have been saved.”
The other error, which is more pervasive in evangelical circles, is that good works have no connection whatsoever with salvation. This view teaches that since we are saved by grace through faith alone, a person may believe in Christ as Savior, but there may not be a life of good works to follow.
Ephesians 2:10 succinctly answers both of these errors. Paul is explaining (“For”) the previous two verses, where he has said that we have been saved by grace through faith, apart from any works on our part. It is all the gift of God, so that He alone gets all the glory. Now Paul further explains that…
Genuine salvation is entirely of God and it inevitably results in a life of good works.
Sometimes it is said that there is a conflict between Paul and James over the matter of justification by faith versus works (compare Rom. 3:24, 28; James 2:18-26). But both men are saying the same thing from different angles to address different issues. Paul was attacking the Pharisaic idea that our good works will commend us to God. He argues that no one can ever be good enough to earn salvation. God justifies guilty sinners through faith in Christ alone. But James was attacking the view that saving faith does not necessarily result in good works. He shows that genuine faith always produces good works.
I suggest you study scripture and by the way if you make claims according to scripture you are required to defend your faith. I see no scripture quoted because you are repeating what you were taught likely in the Catholic church which is an apostate religion that essentially rejects the true Gospel and worships a different Jesus than the one spoken of in scripture. If that is the case I pray that you find the way to the narrow path that lead to salvation rather than the wide one that leads to destruction. I’ll let you look that verse up on your own. Either way you are essentially a false teacher deceiving people with information that is neither accurate or based on scripture.
I’m a sinner. Always have been. It’s a struggle. The ‘Ten Commandments’ is my guide.
At no point do I ever want to have to pray for forgiveness… But sometimes I must.
Our freedom is being taken, our justice system is being undermined.
Our current government is failing miserably, or succeeding in their quest to destroy America.
I suspect failure is their goal, as to allow the Globalist regime to continue their destructive activities.
It’s not pandemic COVID. It’s Pandemic Sobriety, lending dignity to those looking good while anticipating the next gratifying relapse when conditions seem to fit. We’ve had a century of sobriety group movement, and now we are reaping what we’ve sown. The Luciferian mentality of sobriety has likely lost our country. If we survive this fedsurrection, it will be by the grace of Jesus Christ, if only we admit the lie of addictive disease and revoke the drinking/license of repeat offenders and consider the Trump remedy of a quick trial with penalties exceeding the harm inflicted by sober addicts in their premeditated slips of drug-crazed, human destruction.
Unfortunately you cannot nor will you ever achieve salvation through following the ten commandments. When Christ died we are no longer under the law but Grace. The only path to salvation is through faith and being justified and sanctified by the blood Christ shed for us. If you could achieve salvation by following the ten commandments why did Christ have to die. Jesus said that you would have to be more righteous than the pharisees and even they are not righteous enough. The point was nothing of ourselves can ever make us worthy to stand before God as sinners. The ten commandments show us that we are unable to follow them. If you look to Matthew in the sermon on the mound Jesus says You have been commanded not to murder. He then goes on to clarify that if you have hatred against someone you have already committed murder. Are you getting the picture. If you just look at a woman with lust you have COMMITTED adultery. The point is that our sinful nature makes it impossible for us to stand before God without being sanctified by Christ. If you think you make it through one day without sinning you are deceiving yourself. Even Christians are unable to go through an entire day without sinning. But we are redeemed. We are to repent and try to work to not fall into sin but salvation is a one time thing. I hope that you find the truth before it’s too late. It’s almost already too late. What we are seeing now is prophecy unfolding and the rapture and the tribulation are very close. We are going to see the one world banking system through digital currency. We are going to see the one world religion as the Catholic Church now embraces Muslims, Pagans who worship the planet and now the sexually immoral. We are going to see the rise of the antichrist very likely in our lifetime and you don’t have to look any further than the escalating conflicts in the middle east and across the planet as the efforts of antisemitism and hatred towards Gods chosen people has reached deafening levels.
We are close to the end and unlike the false notions of many no amount of prayer, supplication, intercessions to idols, or praying to people who can’t hear us is going to change the unfolding of prophecy. It’s not going to happen. That is a belief system people use to rationalize their denial of what is happening because what is happening through prophecy is something most apostate religions dismiss as fairy tales. Hard to dismiss them now. Not much different than the Branch Covidians who continue to line up for their boosters even after a judge forced all the data out in the open showing the vaccines are not effective nor are they safe. Not only that but they knew it from day one and in addition to them not being safe they demeaned Ivermectin as an effective treatment when DERPA an arm of the Military did research on Ivermectin nearly a decade ago and found it to be highly effective against coronaviruses. The information is right out there. But in spite of that and the fact that only vaccinated people are now getting covid they still line up. Because it’s easier to fool someone then convince them they were fooled.
In scripture it says that in the end times God will send a strong delusion so they (those that rejected the truth) will believe their own lies. Just like he hardened Pharoah’s heart. Hardened didn’t mean that he hardened it literally but after Pharoah repeatedly rejected Gods will he made firm his resistance. So will it be with the end times and we are there.
I hope that you realize this before it’s too late. If your focus is following the ten commandments as a means of finding salvation you are on a dead end street. I pray that you find the truth before it’s too late because there isn’t a lot of time left.
I had a tee made that says “Rebel! Try Jesus.”
Make and sell them – anybody, anywhere.
(Bottom sentence above accidentally included.)
Bible-smuggling isn’t as effective as explaining the turgid text to those literate enough to read it. None of us can crack a Bible and readlily grasp the ancient syntax, archaic style, and incomprehensible relevance of the verses, or gain an understanding of how to apply a randomly selected page or verse. Even the simplest command, “Go and sin no more,” is failing to convey, “Knock it off!! Quit THAT sin, now and forever!” Any moron can decide to never again commit one single, vile act, such as when addicts, “slip,” by guzzliing their favorite fixes. Instead, We the People stupidly demand addicts stay sober just one-day-at-a-time of chasing the forbidden fix, and then call it a disease—of the perfect buzz. A public health system pushing that nonsense, is pushing dope more easily and profitably than the dope deale or bartender could dream of. When the state of sobriety is finally understood as a “quit sign” rather than a “stop sign,” major benefits to alll will be derived.
Amen JB. I watch an older Christian movie recently about a Christian professor writing a book that proposed the Church should be willing to make a moral argument with naming the Author of the morality. A wise colleague of his refused to give endorsement of his book because his proposed practice would lead to moral relativism. How can we as Christians, or conservatives for that matter, claim moral superiority apart from claiming Christ and His Word?
When Billy Graham preached, he always prefaced his proclamations of truths with, “The Bible says…”
Maybe we need to return to this practice.
Grammar Corrections:
Amen JB. I watched an older Christian movie recently about a Christian professor writing a book that proposed the Church should be willing to make a moral argument without naming the Author of the morality. A wise colleague of his refused to give endorsement of his book because his proposed practice would lead to moral relativism. How can we as Christians, or conservatives for that matter, claim moral superiority apart from claiming Christ and His Word?
When Billy Graham preached, he always prefaced his proclamations of truths with, “The Bible says…”
Maybe we need to return to this practice.
The narrative is good but I take exception with one piece. Instead of applauding the extraordinary efforts people are making in trying to get the word of God out there perhaps we should be looking at the extraordinary efforts we all could be taking in our own lives that would be pleasing to God and how in many ways our inaction as “Christians” actually contributes to the notion that It is “far easier to accept the world as it is — even when it is drenched in depravity”
We accept the depravity as it is because in many ways we unknowingly have contributed to it. I can put up many examples but If I had to take the biggest one that is tied to scripture and referencing the notion of “as in the days of Noah” it would be the push of the Alternative lifestyle, alphabet soup, militant takeover of our education system and a good deal of our government who now bends a knee to this literal immorality that has corrupted our entire nation.
We could also look at other things as well such as the fact that we will never have another free and fair election. Sorry folks but if you think the Democrats got away with it before you are unhinged if you don’t see the next steal in the works. Of course with the compromised Supreme court that endorsed the last one they have nothing to worry about. Of course we have to remember that Satan is the “God” of this world so this decline was inevitable.
But how did we get here? People like to blame the democrats and the liberals. I find that interesting because essentially the liberals have done exactly what they said they were going to do. Barack Obama said he was going to fundamentally change this Nation. That’s what they’ve done is it not? But how did they get away with it? Let’s start with winning over the public. That starts by shaping minds and opinions. When did this evil really gain steam and move forward a record breaking pace. When social media sites such as facebook and then Twitter began promoting, not abiding but promoting these things. Then they started censoring anyone who disagreed and shut them down.
What did the “Christians” do. Nothing! They whined and complained about it. Did they close their accounts to not be affiliated with the most evil entity that likely has ever existed on this planet to promote Godlessness, humanism and immorality by shaping the culture and group think in this Nation and across the planet? No they didn’t. Right now many of those on here complaining about the immorality of this country just finished updating their facebook profiles. Yet we want to point to other people as the cause of the problem.
These problems didn’t occur overnight. They first took over the schools around 30 years ago. They have been pushing a subtle leftist agenda since. What did conservatives do? Nothing. They remained apathetic and shrugged it off. “Oh things always swing back and forth”. Only they don’t. Now that they have so many people in positions of power there is not turning the clock back. Yet the conservatives remain in denial. They were strung along for nearly 4 years while a phony investigation into the only attempted insurrection in our Nation was slow walked to run out the clock until nobody cared. Then what. Another slew of phony investigations and dragging out the clock because that way conservatives have the false sense someone is doing “something” when in fact they fail to learn they are being played. The level of denial is remarkable.
If you want to pull back the curtain look no further then the attempt to oust the Globalist, California Conservative, Kevin McCarthy who abided by the stolen election and then spent years helping to pass every agenda the democrats put forward. He pushed phony investigations that continue to go nowhere. Seriously? Hunter Biden? They still are investigating. There are pictures of him with underage girls? How long does it take. It’s purposely dragged out and they all know including Biden nothing is coming of these investigations. It’s all theater being put on by the deep state and the conservatives are too dumb to catch on.
In comes Johnson. Oh yes he’s a “Christian” and a conservative. RIGHT. More slow walked investigations and then when asked about pushing the Jan 6 videos now his excuse is they have to let the data out slowly because they have to blur the faces of the people so the FBI can’t try to prosecute them. It’s remarkable. The republicans sit back satisfied with that answer without the common sense of a houseplant to realize the FBI reviewed every minute of that footage within a week of the event. But we buy into the narrative. Remarkable.
If you want to pull the curtain back on how corrupt our government is at this point look no further than the efforts to remove McCarthy. Only 8 republicans voted to remove him. That was it. Only 8. That means every single person that didn’t vote to remove the globalist fraud is a deep state player and we all know it. Well some of us do.
If you think there is hope for this Nation there is not. Not because of the democrats but because of the republicans. If the Jan 6 scenario were reversed and it were democrats every democrat in congress would have walked out in unity, shut the entire government down while encouraging riots and civil unrest across the nation until they got what they wanted. Republicans are going to “launch another investigation”. That’s why our country is finished. Liberals will fight for what they want and republicans won’t.
Let’s also put the old whining complaint about how we have to work. My cousin tries this. She doesn’t have time to call her congressman and demand something be done and then actually vote against him if nothing is done but she has time to watch Football, TV shows etc. It’s not that we don’t have time it’s that we prioritize our non essential baubles and entertainment over our perceived values and ethics. We sit back and laugh at Will and Grace then scream about the sexual objectification of Children and pushing this mental illness of transgenderism to normalize it. One step at a time.
So while we celebrate the efforts of others in taking enormous risks on behalf of spreading the word perhaps we should be looking at the things we refused to let go of that actually feed into the risks they face by our apathy and indifference. Just like I say to people on veterans day. Stay home and call your congressman and demand something be done about the broken VA system rather than showing up to a parade to wave a flag. Veterans would rather be supported then feel supported. But the day after the parade we are forgotten again until next year. The same way Christ feels when the weekend Christians show up to “church” once a year to get their “Christian” membership card stamped so they can absolve their guilt for ignoring what is occurring in this broken world the rest of the year.
That’s the end of my rant. I wonder how many made it to the end before they were forced to update their facebook status. It’s sickening what has become of this Country. Aside from the Christian aspect we can look to our forefathers. They didn’t sit around sipping overtaxed tea whining about the taxes, they threw the tea in the harbor.
As for the election. What is going to happen is the democrats are already in line to steal the election. Obviously Biden can’t be the nominee because nobody including the left would admit that he could beat a corpse at this point. That’s why the left is turning on him and why all of these investigations by the right are picking up steam. It’s a coordinated effort with one goal in mind. To keep Trump from ever stepping foot in the White House again.
As far as Trump goes he made a pile of mistakes and completely owns the covid situation. 100%. His responsibility to NO listen to a career politician and Hillary Clinton Sycophant over the hundreds of other professions screaming what they were doing was wrong. However he is the only threat to the hold the deep state has because he isn’t a politician. Like him or not Trump is not a stupid man by any means. He won’t make the same mistakes and they know it so they have to keep him out of the white house. That’s when the globalists paraded out DeSantis, and make no mistake he is a globalist and if you look at the state of Florida its a disaster. Highest home insurance in the nation. Car insurance 400% higher than the average. Unaffordable rents, stagnant wages, a broken and corrupt healthcare system run by corporations with kickbacks to prevent nursing rations to protect patients. Nurses don’t even make a living wage in the state of Florida. People are enamored with him because he pissed liberals off not because he has any substance. But that failed and he has no chance. So now they are trying to get him off the ballot. But that’s a ruse also. They know the Supreme court will not investigate the voter fraud and when it happens and conservatives scream the court is biased and compromised the left will point out the fact they are not because they overturned the efforts to keep Trump off the ballot.
People; the game is chess not checkers. Gavin Newsom is going to be the next President. Once the primary period has passed and they won’t be required to have a Primary to keep Kennedy from filtering attention away Biden will step down or say he’s withdrawing from the Race. Then they will parade Newsom out there. Because in reality people won’t be able to say he wasn’t electable. Hope I’m wrong but I’m not.
This country is finished, free speech is over and Christians are going to be persecuted. By the way all the talk of Aliens and UFO’s that is now being legitimized. Well that’s laying the groundwork so when the rapture occurs and half the planet disappears they will simply say aliens watching us removed all those destructive bigoted Christians so the planet can heal. Who is going to argue when the Church is actually gone. By the church I mean the actual believers not the phony man made institutions put in place to deceive people from the truth.
I hope everyone find the truth before it’s too late but I can tell you there isn’t much more time. There is little doubt for many of us that we will see the unfolding of revelations and the horrors of the seals in our lifetimes. Those of us that are Christians won’t be here to experience that but those left behind are in for a horrible unspeakable tribulation such as the world has never seen.
I pray for everyone to search their heart with truth because if you don’t know where you will be if you died at this very minute then I can answer that for you and you won’t like the answer. Jesus Christ is the only ticket out of this mess. Not believing in him, because the Devil believes in him, But BELIEVING in him through faith because that is the ONLY path to salvation.
I believe that you understand Christianity far better than I do, because I cannot understand much of what you have written. I can tell you’re passionate about the offenses I’ve made, and that you’re far more involved with theology than I. It appears you’ve shown me to the world as I am, a bloke, someone out of tourch with the authors of the scriptures you cited, unable to unravel the syntax and archaic expressions that might have great meaning or none. I wish I were as confident as you as you dumped kerosine on the single topic of my comments.
I won’t remind you of it, because you have greater windmills than mine. So, here is my concern, once again:
MERRY CHRISTMAS! — and please be aware that there will be millions of addicts who get up on Christmas day and New Year’s day who are stone-cold sober, have been working a very good Luciferian program, have had lengthy support sessions with their sponsors and psychollgists, yet by midnight they have killed hundreds of innocent drivers and pedestrians, and maimed even more others for life, because all along, they have been secretly reserving the sacramental Option of having gratifying relapses when conditions seem to fit.
I’m a Christian so I don’t worry that your assessments of my faith in Christ are apostotic.
I only pray that you, among the other millions on our highways, are not among the swath of human desctruction made by the lie of addictive disease and its treatment by remote causation, when it is clear to most 10-year-olds that sober addicts love the buzz more than God, family, home, and life itself.
On that topic, we might have some substantial interaction instead of one-upping the other on universally controversial, ancient writings. Stay safe. If you’re sober, never drink again, or at least never drive again. If you’re not sober, then you’re just like me, someone who lives by common standards of morality and common decency.
Cheers, really, Jack Trimpey
Glory to God the most high, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit !
if you seek truth, you will find Jesus because as He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life!”
Merry Xmas to everyone and especially those who are finding about Jesus and coming to Him despite the dragons.
Peace and Joy to the world !
When I reflect on the words of the angel in Revelation chapter 5, vs 1-6 and the subsequent response of John who was given the ability to see what was, is and will be, it’s clear not one human being outside of Christ has any merit in and of themselves. It was the Lamb that had been slain who prevailed over death, hell and the grave! My prayer is for all who read this short message to be found in Him. Weep not, put your trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.