Conservative and alternative media outlets have been flush with attacks against “Leave the World Behind,” the new Netflix movie that depicts an apocalyptic scenario. The biggest reason for this was not because it was rife with Black vs White messaging; there are far more direct race-baiting messages in multiple movies every year. The reason it has been so highlighted by conservative and alternative media is because Barack and Michelle Obama are executive producers for the project.
This is a trap. I suspected it was a trap when I decided to watch it. And not to sound too prescient but I was far more correct than I would have thought possible. The mild race-baiting messages were inserted specifically to get right-leaning media to generate buzz and it’s working.
But this trap wasn’t for the sake of ratings. This was all about delivering very destructive messages that have nothing to do with Cultural Marxism or the race wars. They lured in as many people as possible to watch it with the desire to be outraged, then they dropped their real messages to plant seeds that can grow in Americans’ minds, both consciously and subconsciously.
The Obamas were selected to add far more juice to the outrage machine. And once again, that worked just as well as the mild race-baiting. People are watching it and hating it as the current 39% audience score indicates. But by watching it and hating it, the messages were still delivered. That was the point.
Before getting into the three key points they wanted to plant in our brains, it’s important to note the creative aspect of the movie which may get otherwise lost. Sam Esmail delivered an M. Night Shyamalan motif, complete with artsy camera angles and oddly poor sound effects. The acting was strong across the board. The storyline was actually quite weak, even muted when we consider the events being depicted. It’s labeled as a sci-fi thriller but it’s really a drama with a few somewhat thrilling moments. I point all of this out because they needed a structurally sound movie that sufficiently carried the story so they could deliver the real payload of destructive messaging. With that said, let’s get into those three messages.
Spoiler alert: Movie details discussed ahead.
Biblical Understanding Ridiculed
Of all the flaws with this movie, this is the least important. Some would say, “Hey, leaving out a Biblical understanding of the end times is a big deal!” To those people I would remind them that this is Hollywood and nobody should be expecting or even accepting Biblical guidance from Hollywood.
They took a couple of steps toward ridiculing the Bible. These jabs were subtle and were more for driving the plot than directly attacking Biblical principles. It’s far more telling that the movie doesn’t allow the audience to entertain the idea of God’s influence in the end times.
One can argue that there was a supernatural element with the odd actions of the deer. They seemed far more knowledgeable and inexplicably courageous when surrounding the girls near the end. The fact that they kept returning to the house was left as a mystery, but clearly the director wasn’t shying away from the supernatural completely. This makes it even more conspicuous that none of the characters thought to wonder about the Biblical end times even when they were portrayed as being surrounded by a fictional version of it.
False Depiction the Crap-Hits-the-Fan Scenario
Where to begin? As usual, they depict doomsday preppers as either American-flag-waving, shotgun-holding crazy people like Kevin Bacon’s character or self-indulgent rich people who will spend the end times in a literal vault with canned foods and a huge library of DVDs.
Then, there’s the fact that being so close to the city, in this case New York City, did not result in seeing masses of people leaving. In fact, nobody apparently walked across the bridge to find safety in the nearby suburbs.
Perhaps worst of all is that they were never in any real danger. They had power and water despite a massive cyberattack that crashed planes, oil tankers, and a small army of self-driving Teslas. How ludicrous would it be for hackers to take down everything but leave electricity and running water on in an area across the river from NYC?
As more Americans become focused on self-sustainability and preparedness, this movie makes it all seem not so bad. The reality is in a scenario like the one from the movie, chaos would leave the city and find its way to the suburbs within a day, two at the most. Utilities will stop working immediately, especially considering that the cyberattack that was the catalyst for the storyline specifically targeted the grid.
Leaving the characters alone with plenty of booze and with a herd of deer as the most menacing outside element is worse than inaccurate. It’s conspicuously misleading.
Nobody Is Pulling the Strings
The primary message delivered by the movie is that all of us crazy conspiracy theorists have everything wrong. They even said our notion that the powers-that-be are pulling the strings is “lazy.”
According to “Leave the World Behind,” the globalist elites are just as lost as the rest of us other than having a heads up so they can get out of Dodge before anyone else. This is a bald-faced lie, but it’s a compelling thought that will stick with viewers for a long time.
It’s one of the most memorable scenes as Mahershala Ali’s “G.H.” character explains his interactions with an unnamed client who sounds like Dick Cheney. According to G.H., the people we think of as the bad guys are just getting a head start to reach their bunkers. Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and the Bushes aren’t really bad guys in this scenario. They’re just lucky and rich enough to escape, if the movie’s primary message is to be believed.
Of course, the Obamas fall into this category as well. Convenient.
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“Leave the World Behind” is getting a ton of watches from both the right and the left. On cue, conservative and alternative media took the bait and cranked up the outrage machine by invoking anti-White hatred. That was by design. Now, viewers will have the destructive seeds planted without even noticing them as they focus on the race-baiting component. But as we all should have learned by now, when a negative message is so blatant, it wasn’t really the message they wanted delivered.
I mostly agree but I don’t see a need for the biblical angle. I thought this could have been a lot better movie without the racism thrown in. Let’s face it. YT ain’t race bothered by the types represented by the father and daughter. Had they rented a vacation home in the hood, could be a problem.
This certainly wasn’t SciFi, it was perhaps a thriller. They were fine when demonstrating (though inaccurately) what would happen in a cyber-attack but why add the unexplained weirdness with the deer? Bottom line, their crime in this was making a bad movie.
The problem with the racism thrown in is it distracted from what could have been a good movie. The little barbs like “I just made this fantastic drink, since it is untouched by me, you can drink it” and the mom and homeowner’s daughter at the pool. “You’re not getting in because of your hair”? All women hesitate to get into water so as to not ruin their hair. Not every woman can look like Phoebe Cates rising out of the water at the age of 18. Also, they worked way too hard trying to get us to realize the homeowner’s wife was white. His daughter was obviously a tone midway between him and his wife and that line “Even mom would agree”. I doubt that was a statement to say white suburban women wrongly hate themselves.
Planes won’t be falling out of the sky because of a cyber-attack but they might miss a runway.
So we know there are directed sonic weapons effective in a narrow band. You will not be hit by it way out in the secluded boonies.
All in all they should have chosen a crisis and stuck with it. The racism angle and the deer angle was meaningless. Oddly, if we learned anything from this flick it is under no circumstance should we ever live in their 15 minute cities.
Your assessment is correct. By the way, too bad they all can’t look like Phoebe getting out of the pool
If you want a hottie getting out of a pool, Denise Richard’s in the 1998 film Wild Things is numero uno, hands down.
The movie was utterly juvenile and ridiculous, similar to those that bought into Barack Obama cynical utterances of Hope and Change. Not one but two jet airliners crash within a few minutes walk of their refuge, and no one but one hears it. No one is interested in looking for possible survivors. A oil tanker grounds itself nearby but no one appears to be on board. No explanation. There are zero real protagonists. Julia Roberts is unattractive physically and as a character, although she is aging as an actress and character actor roles may be what she can land. Ethan Hawke is an impotent eunuch, reprising the detestable character he played in Till the Devil Knows You’re Dead.” The black father is Obama-like with a shady, untrustworthy air. His daughter is an angry, entitled young woman playing the race card, although like the Obamas, has more privilege than virtually all whites she so desperate hates. Awful, awful, awful.
yeah, these suspicious but timely flicks are necessary for we ‘christians’ to analyze. i mean, only a cultural zip, given a choice, misses out on decoding the (ascending drumbeat here, thanks) REAL puzzle, the barely flickering but beyond critical subtlety of the (drums again, please) UNSPOKEN MESSAGE…wow, just like barry and mike, ii don’t take God’s Word literally to the point of ‘going to Jesus outside the gates, (read ‘world’) bearing Christ’s reproach.’ I mean, God put me here, IN this place.. am i supposed to scratch gravel trying to cop to ALL scripture. like, for example, what the Holy Spirit said through john — ‘love not the world nor the things of the world.’ I’m a spiritual superman?? — stainlessly obedient to all these first-century denials of existence as a humanoid on this planetoid?! give me a break..what’s that? — yeah, i know that scripture also: ‘demas has forsaken me, having loved the present WORLD.’ c’mon! the guy took in a couple of sophocles’ comedies at the amph, big deal. so now he’s a backslider? it’s NECESSARY to be able to RELATE to the pagans. i mean, when in rome, speak rome stuff, aleady. you think i wanna live in a cave, flagellating my backside like luther at the monk house. read it, man — he got outta there and had his share of b-tonics with the gang, and still managed to preach sundays. that dude’s my hero. he didn’t run from reality. cool.
When is a real American going to produce a film about a retired, disgruntled Navy Seal, taking revenge upon Obama, Big Mike, Schmuck Chumer, Reptillary and Nanzi for scheming to kill his military son in a proxy war to enrich themselves and push communism?
What real American wouldn’t want to see that?
The ONES CLAIMING the MOST HARM are, in fact, the REAL and the WORST ‘RACISTS.’
I am sick and F’ing TIRED of BEING FORCED TO SEE and BEING FORCED TO HEAR the manure that spews out their STUFFED PIE HOLES. VICTIMS all….and ALL NOT VICTIMS…oxymoronic.
And now 15,000,000 UNKNOWNS ALL OVER THIS CONTINENT…and those responsible will be dead when TSHTF…coming soon to America.