The Critical Race Theory genre of academia is transparently a competition between so-called scholars to determine who can come up with the most extreme and asinine assertions and then have them taken seriously by receptive audiences trained to clap like seals at empowered minorities speaking their Truth™, thereby earning their position at the top of the Social Justice™ totem pole and the big DEI bucks in exchange for driving Western civilization, which they hate with a passion, into a ditch.
Related : WATCH: Trump Prosecutor Letitia James Leads Anti-White Hate Chant
Here is the put-upon bespectacled minority “Ibram X. Kendi” (notably less radically revolutionary real name: Ibram Henry Rogers) in a thousand-dollar suit explaining the disease of “whiteness” to an audience surely comprised almost exclusively of self-hating white liberals: I don’t think white people worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is […]
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