Pastor Dean Dwyer It was once said that information is power. That has proven to be very true, particularly in the hands of those who can skillfully wield that power to influence the thoughts, emotions and actions of individuals and groups. The military gives this strategy a name: psychological warfare or PsyOps for short.
At its core, PsyOps uses information to manipulate how adversaries, allies, and neutral parties perceive a scenario or enact decision-making processes in response to a particular scenario. These strategies seek out well-defined objectives such as:
1. Undermining the morale and will to fight of an enemy;
2. Influencing the population of another country to support the objectives of those launching the PsyOps;3. Discrediting opposition groups or governments;4. Shaping public opinion in support of a particular cause or policy; and5. Diverting attention away from sensitive activities or operations.Although PsyOps may be a relatively new term, the premise of it […]
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