To borrow from an old saying, nothing can be certain except for death and taxpayer funding for the abortion industry. At the request of pro-life members of Congress, the Government Accountability Office released the latest round of data detailing how much taxpayer funding goes to Planned Parenthood and other international abortion organizations. From 2019 through 2021, Planned Parenthood in the U.S. received $1.7 billion in taxpayer subsidies.
Congress has been requesting GAO reports on Planned Parenthood’s public financing dating back to 1994. Over the last 29 years, American taxpayers have been on the hook for at least $7.9 billion in subsidies for Planned Parenthood’s dominance in the abortion industry. This all while the number of Planned Parenthood facilities has been declining yet its share of the abortion market has been increasing.
When the GAO began publishing these reports in 1994, Planned Parenthood was receiving $163 million a year while performing around […]
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