Taxpayer-funded PBS relayed unverified sob stories about the release of Palestinian prisoners by Israel as part of its truce with Hamas terrorists, while letting a pro-Palestinian lie about tolerance of Jews in Arab countries go unchallenged, on Tuesday’s edition of the PBS News Hour . Reporter Nick Schifrin: This is the day the Al-Salaima family had been waiting for; 14-year-old Ahmed Al-Salaima is home in East Jerusalem after three months of Israeli incarceration, back in the protective embrace and watchful gaze of his father, Nawaf Al-Salaima, who told us this moment is bittersweet. Nawaf Al-Salaima, Father of Ahmed Al-Salaima (through interpreter): We feel happiness because our child is free. But this happiness is not complete, because the price to get freedom for our kids was very expensive. And the price was our people’s blood in the Gaza Strip. Schifrin: Ahmed Al-Salaima was one of Israel’s youngest prisoners. He was […]
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