The worst analysis I’ve heard to date of the upcoming election was on Brian Kilmeade’s radio show today. I haven’t listened to Brian Kilmeade in a long time and didn’t recognize him – I thought I was on one of the left-wing channels. He had a female analyst on his radio show who raved about Nikki Haley’s debate performance and her alleged meteoric rise in the polls.
She claimed that Haley was spot on and won the debates. The only question she had was if Haley could get away with not being radical on abortion. Why Physical Precious Metals Are the Retirement Safe Haven Most Older Christians Seek
When Kilmeade cited her soaring poll number of 18%, putting her ahead of Ron DeSantis, he only cited the highest poll number that could easily be an outlier. Other polls have her at 5% or 7%.
They then decided that it […]
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