Economic forecasters warned as early as February 2020 that ” Biden’s program is indistinguishable from Obama’s, ” which was “such a colossal failure. … Biden’s program will fail even more catastrophically.”
Now, in 2024, Bidenomics has driven America’s federal debt to reach a record high of $34 trillion and with an additional $19 trillion added in the next 10 years. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated Biden’s federal government ran a $928,000,000,000 deficit in the first seven months of 2023.
The June 2023 Congress/Biden deal allowed the debt ceiling to exceed the $31.47 trillion limit, setting the next debt ceiling catastrophe for January of 2025, just in time for a new administration and congress to have to deal with insane spending. Once the June 2023 deal was made, federal borrowing jumped more than $350 billion in a single day, and in only five weeks borrowing exploded adding an additional $1 […]
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