(LewRockwell.com)—Have you heard of the Tradwife Movement yet? It’s an acronym for “Traditional Wife.” So far, it resides especially among millennial and Gen Z women. These young women would prefer being stay-at-home wives, keeping house, and raising kids as depicted in ’50s and ’60s movies, TV series — Leave it To Beaver, The Dick van Dyke Show, Dennis the Menace, The Donna Reed Show, I Love Lucy — and so forth.
At hazard of melting a few feminist, LGBTQ — and other currently uncategorized snowflakes — I would suggest that these OG young ladies are embracing their honest, basic, biological genetic nature in the face of a hostile and self-destructive culture.
Now being rather strangely in touch with several of the above, particularly the feminist branch — because I was raised by my mother, grandmother, and their stalwart aid, Helen Kovachik — I can speak with experience and a reasonable amount of credibility.
In particular, my mother, a successful Broadway actress ( “Having Wonderful Time“ etc.), gave up her career, worked as a chef, and then a teacher and finally a college professor in order to raise me.
She was a great mom and so I should have realized the implications when she told me every once in awhile that she would have much prefered to stay at home, keep house and raise a bunch of kids, even in preference to her Broadway career.
I always thought that was interesting but I failed to take it seriously until I got my second datapoint.
For convenience we can call that second datapoint Myra. She was a successful women’s rights attorney and best friends with Steve Goldberg, another quirky gambling legend straight out of the late 20th century. That’s why, along with my last wife Chrissy, we were having a comped lunch at Donald Trump’s Atlantic City Taj Mahal before it went bankrupt.
Myra told us she had her dream job but she was unhappy and seriously depressed. Now Myra’s dream job was, as she described it, “suing abusive husbands into the gutter or putting them in jail.” But, she said, feminism had betrayed her.
“How so?” I asked.
“Feminism told me I could only be happy if I had a career. I now realize that was a lie, a big lie. My inner voice is telling me I should have gotten married, and been a home-maker raising children.
“My clock has been ticking for years and I’ve been ignoring it in favor of the feminist ideal. I’m afraid it’s too late for me now. All I can see ahead is a lonely old woman.”
She went on to tell us that a majority of her friends, mostly successful professional women, felt similarly.
So, my mom wasn’t alone. How about you?
And, do you have to have a job to be a feminist?
I suspect a lot of that notion has something to do with what the government-corporate-complex learned from putting Rosie the Riveter to work during WWII, particularly the advantages of being able to tax the female half of the population as well as the male half. That’s a conspiracy theory for another time. But consider Marilyn Waring’s “If Women Counted” — or a TED TALK right from the lady herself.
My grandmother was a militant feminist, marched for the right to vote and never held a job a day in her life.
So where did the part of feminism that goes far beyond “equal pay for equal work” and the right to vote come from?
Chrissy’s daughter got a college scholarship and partied it away but she learned something important anyway. “All my Women’s Studies profs were man-haters. I like men,” she told me.
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Now, of course, not all young women feel that way. How many who do feel that way won’t admit to it? After all, they would be betraying today’s pseudo-feminism and a big chunk of everything they’ve been indoctrinated to believe about being a modern woman.
But that’s only the first half of the tragedy.
The second-half is that current American culture, in addition to emasculating men in subtle and not so subtle ways, has made it almost impossible to be a Tradhusband, that is, a bread-winner who can afford to support a stay-at-home Tradwife and family.
It’s the taxes.
Even in the ’90s, my friend and sometimes mentor James Libertarian Burns, wanted to be married rather than “indulge in victimless crimes with his hooker,” as he delicately put it. But although he had a decent casino income, he never felt he could afford the stay-at-home wife and kids he wanted. Sadly, he never married.
In the 50s and 60s, the historical period most Tradgirls (I know, I’m being “un-woke“) favor, it was possible for one breadwinner to support the whole family.
But even 30 years ago according to The Family Research Council, taxes had increased so much that in a two-parent family – – –
One parent worked to support the family, the other to support the government.
So, even before the Turn of the Century, the result of supporting government was that there was rarely a stay-at-home mother and the average teen hadn’t had an uninterrupted ten minute conversation with either parent in the last month. Half the teens had used tobacco, two thirds had used alcohol, and one third “illegal” drugs. -CNN & COMPANY, 19 Oct 1995
In a rather extraordinary effort to overcome this, my son and his wife arranged their working schedules so that one of them could always be home with my granddaughter. The result was that they were rarely home and awake at the same time. They eventually divorced, explaining that, in keeping their daughter safe, they’d become strangers.
So girls, if you want to have babies, thanks to Uncle Sam and his mimics, you have a better than 50/50 chance of ending up raising them on your own. And you won’t be able to be a stay-at-home mom because you’ll need at least one job.
And that’s the true Tradwife Tragedy.
What are you going to do about it?
In this case I’m asking because I don’t have a clue and I’m hoping some of you problem-solvers out there do.
The solution is incredibly simple. For married taxpayers with children and a single income, reduce taxes by a certain percentage for each child. As an example, reduce by ten percent for each dependent child up to three children. Each child thereafter results in a decrease of five percent.
As numerous studies show that grow up in two parent, married households are more productive and less of a burden on the social safety net, their contributions to the tax base and GDP would more than make up for the lost revenue long term.
Tax is theft.
“The solution is incredibly simple” — require the GOVERNMENT to take action that it has absolutely no intention of taking. That’s not what “simple” means.
Saving money by being a Tradwife:
No daycare costs
Put in a small garden.
Quit with the ultra processed food. Cut out fast food.
Bake your own bread.
Barter for goods at Church events.
take a ball bat to your TV (just for fun).
Network with other tradwives.
Right, newsflash, turns out the Bible has been right and true all along.
I’d say there are many factors in addition to taxes. Certainly the government bears blame, even if it’s just trickery related to economic reporting, such as focusing on household income rather than individual income.
It’s also just a function of plain old supply and demand, over time. For example, if you put a house up for sale, you’re going to try to get as much for it as you can. If a family with two breadwinners can offer more for it, then they’ll win the bid. Now consider the results of that cyclical dynamic over decades. The result is that the cost of living will increase relative to individual income. It is all interdependent. When such basic costs of living increase, then everything else follows suit. Companies begin to make and market products according to maximum the household can afford, partly as a matter of competition.
Standards of living have also become more sophisticated. Families now have more than one automobile, fancier appliances, nicer TVs, computers, internet, etc. Back then many only had a radio. Heck, my Mom, who also wanted to be a “tradwife”, can remember, as a young child, when they first got indoor plumbing. Most of those my age can remember having one black and white TV with three channels, and having to fiddle with the antenna to watch a show.
But the problem is that those higher standards are now being mandated by government.
Nowadays if you don’t have those “higher” standards of living, they may even take your children. And female busybodies are most often leading the charge imposing those mandates. Sob story after sob story, every manipulative tactic and trick imaginable.
That in combination with outsourcing and trying to compete with people in other countries who do have significantly less sophisticated standards and costs of living. Now if you have traditional values, you’ve got to worry about CPS taking your children. If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, you’re considered an extremist threat.
At this point it is just about illegal to be a traditional family.
But there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m afraid it’s got to run its course.
Both women and men are to blame. The original feminists had many legitimate arguments. Then there was the “sexual revolution”, women were watching men sleep around all over the place, and decided they wanted that too, so the slaughter of the unborn entered the mix. Then the “experts” told us that all that sleeping around was necessary, healthy, and good, and basically that the problems in the world were due to lack of sex. It is the culmination of many things.
If you live in the right place, single income isn’t that difficult. I live in a small town in Oklahoma. I commute one hour each way to a job in a larger city where pay is higher. My wife of 18 years keeps house and makes sure the kids get to school. I make about $55k per year since I pulled a “Who is John Galt?” and left corporate America. We’re not rich, but we’re just fine and life is way less complicated. When life is simpler, you don’t need as much money. I totally recommend it.
In my opinion, it’s more difficult than it should be, but you’re right to make the point that it’s not impossible. It helps to live off the beaten path, and among people of similar mind. Places where you can get away with living with a less sophisticated standard of living without getting into any major trouble. Such places do exist, but they’re becoming fewer and farther between. I live out in the country also, where there are only small towns, but we have a lot of vacationers and tourists, and property is in high demand. You can’t buy a suitable house anywhere near town for less than $300K. Property way, way off the beaten path, nearly an hour out of town, will still run you upwards of $10K/acre, with no lots of any size less than about $70K, if you want unrestricted property, and you’ll need unrestricted. And then you can’t build a house for less than $300/ft. Add in other expenses, and for most, that automatically means both are going to have to work. And when you live way out, you can’t just pick up and run into town anytime you want. Your gas bill would be astronomical, and it also takes up a ton of time – it’s basically two hours out of my day to run to the store and back. So I’d add that just any small town won’t do. The best bet is to try to find a town where nobody else wants to live or visit. I don’t have the answers. But you’re right to make the point that it is not impossible.
I live in just such a small town. It’s basically Hobbiton but with a few meth heads here and there.
Its easy. Stop living above your means. Women need to stay home, take care of the house, take care of her husband and the chil’un. Stop working for corporate America. Start your own business. I live in a small town in NE Texas, I work for myself. Aint missed a day of not having piles of work since 2003. Turn down lots of work, as I dont have any time left in teh day for it. Be thankful for what you have. Always rememeber, that are LOTS of poorer and even homeless people that dont have a pot to piss in, and you have a roof over yer head, blankets to stay warm, a real bed to sleep in, some food to eat, clean water to drink and a vehicle to get around in. Stop whining. Be thankful. Ya never know, the way things are in AmeriKa right now, there could be another civil war right ahead and another greater depression with another plandemic. Then what are ya gonna do????