The unmistakable decline of the once mighty Drudge Report into a cesspool of liberal links had led to endless speculation about the reasons. Did Matt Drudge sell the site? Did he get co-opted? Did he just lose interest?
But the demise of Drudge also opened the market to other aggregator sites, at least one of which is a big improvement over the original.
Drudge’s appeal wasn’t just the unchanging Internet 1.0 design, or the fact that he linked to conservative news outlets. It was that he managed to uncover news that the corporate media ignored, often simply by linking to coverage by local, and often more honest, news stories. The site’s editors had a keen eye for quirky, offbeat stories. It was the go-to place, the first stop of the day, for anyone who wanted to know what story was buzzing.
But in the wake of President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, the […]
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