Donald Trump is to blame for the plummeting marriage rate in the United States of America. I “know” this is “true” because the online paragon of truth-telling, Salon, said so. But there’s an upside to this idiocy: this drive-by retcon is so dumb it could break the fever of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The United States is seeing fewer marriages and less than replacement-level birth rates. Women outnumber men in college. Men are dismissed as “toxic.” It is a threat to the longterm survival of the United States. And Salon blames Donald Trump.
Salon writer Amanda Marcotte was recently triggered by an insufficiently woke Washington Post editorial warning that fewer young American women are getting married because “they can’t find suitable partners.” The Post basically claimed that these women aren’t getting married because far-left politics have become their religion and their identity, and suitable (read sane) […]
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