(America First Report)—Former Congressman Madison Cawthorn lost his 2022 primary election. He was popular in his district and a rising star in the GOP. But he made a mistake. He started exposing the sexual depravity and drug culture on Capitol Hill, so the UniParty Swamp took him out. Senator Mitch McConnell led the charge to run him out of Washington DC.
Yesterday’s graphic news of homosexual porn being filmed in a Senate hearing room would seem like big news to most, but corporate media is busy making sure it didn’t happen. After all, it was an aide to a Democrat. That aide is both anti-Zionist and homosexual. Therefore, the story is getting buried in the deepest hole they can find.
Cawthorn had three words for us. They weren’t meant to inspire or to condemn. They just are.
“I told you.”
I told you.
— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) December 16, 2023
Yes he did. Before he was shockingly primaried out of office, he made some startling accusations about being invited to orgies by fellow members of Congress. He described offers of cocaine from Senators. He casually and perhaps unwittingly became a threat to the UniParty Swamp so they got rid of him. But before they could, he really did try to tell us.
The moral of the story is that we need to stop supporting those who are covering for the evil cabal and support those who are willing to fight against it. That may seem simplistic, yet it rarely happens so it needs to be reiterated over and over again.
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
Funny thing. America is still the best place to live on Earth.
But if you get into GOVERNMENT you must set aside the TRUTH. If one speaks TRUTH…one will be ATTACKED BY ALL THOSE ALREADY CRIMINALIZED ‘officials.’
WAS 380 out of 535 that WERE CRIMINALS or involved in criminality of some kind. I think today it is closer to 500 of the 535 in CONgress are just there for the bennies…not to DO ANY WORK. And they hate us.
I only have a few years left…wish I could have seen our pinnacle as a country…in my lifetime. DID NOT. In fact, the OPPOSITE has happened.
That gay sex was recorded occurring in a congressional conference room isn’t even shocking any more. That a Democrat did the deed is expected; it would be shocking if a Republican was involved. But the former staff member simply revealed and affirmed who the Democrats are and he was fired for revealing the truth.
Congress has been f*cking the American people in those “hallowed” halls for a long time so what’s different here? But it’s funny how that disgusting little sodomite tried to turn it around and pretend to be the victim. Oh well, don’t worry about it too much. That little pr*ck is going to end up with a severely loose butthole and AIDS..