Two professional anthropology associations had canceled the panel, accusing scholars of ‘transphobia’
An all-women panel on biological sex as a basic research category, canceled by the anthropology academic establishment, drew hundreds of viewers when an educational freedom association recently hosted it online.
“Let’s Talk About Sex Baby: Why Biological Sex Remains a Necessary Analytic Category in Human Anthropology,” which Heterodox Academy “uncanceled” and broadcast as a live webinar and later on YouTube, featured female scholars affirming the importance of biological reality for scientific research, human understanding, and helping people in need.
Heterodox Academy Director of Communications and Marketing Nicole Barbaro told The College Fix via email that the Nov. 8 event drew “over 400 people watching live…with the livestream recording on our YouTube already over 1.5k views as of [last Friday].”The panelists were anthropologists Elizabeth Weiss of San Jose State University, Kathleen Richardson at DeMontfort University in the England, Kathleen Lowrey […]
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