In August 2020, Joe Biden announced that he had picked then-Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) to be his vice presidential running mate after months of pressure from powerful woke Democrats who had demanded he pick a woman of color as his veep nominee as a condition for their support.
Since that time it’s been a rocky road for the gaffe-tastic duo, with reports swirling since Year One of fissures in their working relationship, with Kamala HQ blaming Biden for making her look like a fool in public and Biden’s team essentially saying Harris needed no help whatsoever in that department (which one has to admit is a fair point).
– Report: Joe Biden Realized His Mistake With Kamala Harris Very Early On
– High Drama at D.C. Soup Kitchen as Joe Biden Appears to Snub Kamala But as many seconds in command surely would […]
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