The polls for Joe Biden are bleak, and it’s hard to believe he will be the Democrat candidate in 2024. Bloomberg reported earlier this week that Donald Trump is now leading significantly in every key swing state. Pew Research released a poll that found 33% of Americans approve of the president’s job performance. A whopping 64% disapprove. By a 5-point margin, voters see Republicans as better to manage the government.
I’d like to know who those 33% are and why it’s that high. New Pew poll: ‘By nearly 2 to 1, Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance.’ The numbers: 33% approve 64% disapprove. — Byron York (@ByronYork) December 14, 2023 The Wall Street Journal has his approval at 37%, with his disapproval at 61%. WSJ Poll: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Approve: 37%
Disapprove: 61%
Net: -24% (new low)
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