I argue in my recently published book, ” America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024 ,” that “our present conflict is unprecedented in our own nation’s history and in our own lifetimes and marks the third major test, which will determine whether America survives or dies” — our previous major tests being the American Revolution and Civil War.
While it was the left’s unprecedented and unlawful efforts to indict and imprison former President Trump that compelled me to make such a claim, more recent events have unfortunately reaffirmed its validity and served to exacerbate already deteriorating relations between our tyrannical federal Government and the American citizenry. History would insist that we are on a collision course.
Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro has been sentenced to four months in prison for defying a subpoena from the corrupt J6 committee. His real crime, of […]
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