The notion that Barack and Michelle Obama have missed the overt reigns of power they enjoyed during the Obama presidency is widely held. Sure, some believe the former president has been pulling Joe Biden ‘s strings from the beginning, but what if that isn’t enough for the power-crazed couple?
In other words, do the Obamas miss their White House power enough to attempt to regain it — by Michelle running for president in November? Let’s face it, stranger things have happened — and I’d bet a dollar that we’re going to see things happen over the next 10 months that we’ve never before seen in presidential politics.
New York Post columnist Cindy Adams warned on Wednesday that Americans shouldn’t be shocked if Mrs. Obama “sneaks her way into the 2024 race.” She began her op-ed by blistering Biden. Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read […]
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