This week, Americans of all ages will gather together with family and/or friends and celebrate Thanksgiving , our most iconic national holiday after the 4th of July. And, if you can spare time between your heaping helpings of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and multiple slices of pie, we think you ought to give thanks for one more thing: the fact that Thanksgiving is still allowed to exist.
Seriously. In our era of “land acknowledgments,” of renaming Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” and of treating everything before 2020’s BLM protests as artifacts of a beleaguered time before our supposedly “enlightened” activist class existed, you should be thankful indeed that Thanksgiving has, somehow, not ended up on the chopping block along with all those turkeys.
It’s not like the woke Left haven’t tried to chip away at it. Last year, the BBC (of course) ran a piece bemoaning Thanksgiving “mythology,” […]
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