Several high-end brothels and escort services operating in Washington, D.C., and Boston suburbs were an espionage “honeypot” operation conducted by foreign nations to blackmail U.S. officials, according to intelligence experts.
The six brothels that comprised the sex ring were headed by a 41-year-old South Korean woman who allegedly targeted politicians, high ranking government officials and defense contractors. “Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unraveled,” a former CIA senior operations officer told the Daily Mail.
From the Daily Mail : Han Lee, the alleged mastermind, Junmyung Lee, 30, and James Lee, 68 – all South Korean-born U.S. nationals – were charged in November with running the sex ring. The three Lees are not related. Introducing Next Level Foundational Energy from Dr. Jones Naturals starting at 30% off! This cutting-edge dietary supplement is designed to elevate […]
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