In his opening monologue last night, Greg Gutfeld tore into Democrats and the Colorado Supreme Court over the decision to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot.
Greg reminds Democrats that things like this have usually backfired on them in the past and calls on all of the Republican candidates to speak out about this, singling out Vivek Ramaswamy for his plan to sit out Colorado until this is addressed.
He also reminds the U.S. Supreme Court that America is watching this closely.
Transcript via FOX News: So scientists just confirmed there are three manmade things that can be seen from outer space. The Panama Canal, the Great Wall of China and Tyrus. Just kidding about the last one. It’s actually the towering stupidity of the Colorado Supreme Court. That’s it. Yes. Thank you. I’ll take it. It makes Pikes Peak look as flat as Joe Biden’s EKG. In a 4-3 decision, four […]
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