It’s getting dangerous to be a neo-commie, globalist toilet person. FACT-O-RAMA! I am not suicidal, my brakes work, and I never enjoy a box of Whitman’s Samplers with commies . Advertisement
But before we get into that, here are the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) predictions plans for global domination, just in case you feel the urge to clown-slap some reality into your unemployed, lavender-haired, teste-phobic stain-in-law.
Please pay close attention to number five: Meat will be a special treat. Read more: — World Economic Forum (@wef) April 9, 2018 WEF Plan Number #5- “A billion people will be displaced by climate change . We’ll have to do a better job of welcoming and integrating refugees.”
Translation: The Nazis at the WEF are gavaging the third world into the West to destroy it. They are pretending it is due to “kly matt chainj” (I have to do […]
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