The first “live” Ebola vaccines for preventative measures were given to patients at Denver Health in Colorado this past week, marking what Becker’s Hospital Review described as a “milestone movement.”
Back in 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services designated Denver Health as one of 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the United States. Denver Health functions as an infectious disease training and care hub for six states in the region.
Denver Health is one of the first health systems in the country to administer the injection, known as Ervebo, which was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration back in 2019 for anyone one-year-old and above.Even though Ebola is exceptionally rare in the U.S., Big Pharma has been dead set on “vaccinating” the entire country for it. The disease is said to have a mortality rate of between 70 percent and 90 percent when […]
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