Seattle Police has lost close to 100 officers in 2023, continuing an exodus that has seen 700 officers flee the department since 2019.
Mike Solan, president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild told The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, “Since the 16th of December, … year to date separations, 94. We’re predicting over 100 before the closeout of this year and I’m sure since the 16th, we’ve seen an uptick of those numbers.” Solan added the recruitment of new officers has not been going well. “…whom they’ve hired in terms of the numbers has been 61, but those people need to get out of the academy, need to get through post academy training, and then go through field training … to make sure that they’re competent human beings to conduct public safety policing.”
“For our community, I would say almost half of those people don’t make it out… […]
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