This is not an easy article to write. In fact, it would probably be easier if I did not write about this at all. But if we do not speak out, that is a victory for evil. So I am going to share some truly horrible things with you in this article. Everything that I am going to share comes from a mainstream news source, but I have to warn you in advance that this material is not for the faint of heart. So if you do not want to read about the sexual violence that Hamas has been committing, you should stop reading now. I do not really want to write about this stuff, because these acts are evil on a scale that I don’t even know how to describe. But we must expose the truth, because the future of the nation of Israel hangs in the balance. Much of the world is enthusiastically supporting Hamas, and they need to understand why they should stop supporting these extremely wicked monsters.
Even here in the United States, there are lots of people that are passionately cheering on Hamas and want them to win this war.
If you are one of those people, what in the world is wrong with you?
On October 7th, Hamas terrorists tortured women in unimaginable ways, and many of those women still had expressions of panic frozen on their faces when they died…
Expressions of agony survived their deaths, army reservist Shari Mendes said as she described what experts saw when they identified and prepared for burial the bodies of female victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.
“These women arrived with their eyes open, their mouths grimacing, their fists clenched,” said Mendes, whose IDF rabbinical unit worked with the bodies, all of which were brought to the IDF’s Shura base.
According to Mendes, a number of female soldiers were viciously mutilated by Hamas. The following comes from the Jerusalem Post…
“Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch – intimate parts/vagina – or shot in the breast. This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” Mendes said.
In a filmed testimonial played at the event, a survivor said she watched a terrorist who had cut off a woman’s breasts and played with them – after he had raped her.
“Our unit has seen bodies that were beheaded or had limbs cut off, mutilated,” Mendes said. “One young woman came in with no legs: they had been cut off. We saw several severed heads, one with a large kitchen knife still embedded in the neck.”
I would very much encourage everyone to read the full Jerusalem Post article, because you will never forget it.
After reading that article, how can anyone possibly cheer for Hamas? Unless you are literally filled with demons, I cannot comprehend how you could possibly support what Hamas has done.
One eyewitness has stated that he saw one Israeli woman being raped by one Hamas terrorist after another…
‘As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,’ the witness told investigators.
‘They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].’
The witness says the victim was ‘alive’ and ‘on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.’
And some women were raped after they were already dead…
‘Some women were raped before they were dead, some raped while injured, and some were already dead when the terrorists raped their lifeless bodies,’ his statement says.
Do you support raping corpses?
If you are cheering for Hamas, that is exactly what you are supporting.
And this sort of thing did not stop after October 7th.
In fact, an Israeli doctor says that he has treated at least 10 hostages that were “sexually assaulted or abused” while they were being held by Hamas…
On Tuesday, Netanyahu and members of his war cabinet held a tense and emotional meeting with recently released hostages and family members of hostages still held in Gaza as Israel bombards the Palestinian territory and expands its ground attacks. Some of the recently released hostages shared testimonies of sexual abuse during their time in Gaza, participants said.
Separately, a doctor who treated some of the 110 released hostages told the AP that at least 10 men and women among those freed had been sexually assaulted or abused, but did not provide further details. He spoke on condition of anonymity to protect the hostages’ identities.
Once you fully understand what Hamas has done, you can fully understand why Israel must wipe out Hamas.
There is no other choice.
The IDF has already had a lot of success in northern Gaza, and now operations in southern Gaza have begun…
IDF Southern Command Chief Maj.-Gen. Yaron Finkleman on Wednesday said in a meeting in southern Gaza with his field commanders that the IDF is continuing to press forward with its invasion of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.
On Tuesday, the IDF revealed that its invasion of southern Gaza and Khan Yunis had started Sunday night.
According to the IDF, the top field commanders handling the Khan Yunis invasion presented Finkleman with the status of IDF and enemy forces within the city, the attacks already undertaken, and their future attack plans.
Thousands of Hamas fighters continue to hide in their network of tunnels, but the IDF is getting ready to flood those tunnels with water from the Mediterranean Sea…
At least five huge pumps have been set up close to the Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza as Israel looks to take down the terror group following the horror October 7 massacre.
The pumps are capable of flooding the vast underground maze within weeks by pouring in thousands of cubic metres of water per hour from the Mediterranean Sea, reports The Wall Street Journal.
It would also drive out or drown Hamas terrorists using the tunnels as a hideout as Israeli forces push ahead with their ground assault.
US officials said Israel alerted American authorities about its plan last month – but a decision has not been made on whether to go ahead yet.
My hope is that more of the hostages can be recovered before the tunnels are flooded. But the truth is that Hamas is unlikely to ever give up all of the hostages because they need that leverage.
Sadly, many more people are going to die on both sides in the days ahead. And it is just a matter of time before Hezbollah and Iran get more directly involved.
The things that will happen in the Middle East in 2024 will shock the entire world, but there is no turning back now. If our daughters, wives and mothers had been raped and murdered by Hamas, the American people would want the same thing that the Israeli people want.
Hamas must be destroyed, and anyone that chooses to support Hamas is choosing to support pure evil.
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You are describing DEPRAVED people. This kind of stuff happened before in war, skirmishes, tortures of prisoners, etc. They become DEPRAVED creatures. In space no one can hear you scream and maybe why the LORD hanged the earth on nothing.
Hamas butchers are subhuman, neanderthalic, psychomanic monsters that do not merit living on this planet. They must all, each and everyone be removed from the human gene pool now. This includes those of them in the streets of Gaza celebrating gleefully the butchery their soldiers committed on October 7th and afterward. For decades they have behaved this way. Their history proves they are subhuman and simply must not be allowed to live on our planet. This includes their fat cat planners who hide in luxury in Qatar.
May God bless the almas of those poor people who suffered the Hamas subhuman psychopathic mania.
Well said …….other than I might say you are being a wee bit harsh on Neanderthals wouldn’t you say? But seriously, well written and spot on!
exterminate these vermin… let not one escape.. God Bless Israel and give her strength to remove these demons.
You said “I support Israel”. Do you also take responsibility for Israel’s crimes? I doubt it.
Has modern Israel EVER committed any crimes against anyone? If yes, give specifics. I bet you won’t answer, bc you think it’s impossible for Israel to do anything wrong. Truly disgusting.
And the Tribe are perfect angels. They are just as bad. The ideal scenario would be both sides eradicating the other. What a peaceful world it would be.
hey fred, semper fi. third herd, 1st tracs,’68, based camp kistler, dai do main event, mini tet, and other charlie town episodes. so, yeah, got it. but there’s another angle, and it breaks up all the ‘hurt’ talk. EVERY war dinks with memory, for all men, everywhere, at all times. look at our fathers – my dad, b-24s over germany, he the bombardier, one outta 3 of those flying box cars downed…yeah, war is a bummer. so what about the mother who loses a child, you know, cancer, cerebral palsey — whatever? or have you ever met a guy who’s been dear john’ed by his wife, and he’s suicidal, no hope? yeah, and i could go on and on. fred, it’s not ‘PTSD’ — that’s worldly bs. It’s LIFE in a sin-trashed world. we did that, ask the Word of God. so on to the solution space. did our dads whine about thee flashbacks, the nightmares, etc., etc? no. they got some gal pregnant, married her, got a job, made a family, a life, drank with other buddies who were in the heat, moved on, looked ahead not behind…did they need ‘anti-depressants’? you know, happy pills to make you even more of a ‘victim. or money from the va because life gave them a big sad? fred we are ALL victims of our stinking sin nature. and our cure is Jesus, who ever you are. “heal me, and iI will be healed; save me and i will be saved.” jeremiah
Evil begets evil. Many Israeli citizens denounce the evil of the Israeli government. Evil and injustustice by the,Israeli government, hidden by mainstream media, drives these evil responses, it’s the human condition.
Sadly, ignorant people, unaware of the draconian evil perpetrated by the Israeli government for DECADES, will blindly defend the evil of the Israeli government and the CYCLE OF VIOLENCE WILL CONTINUE.
I studied this conflict IN ISRAEL. I went there pro-Israel and left pro-palestinian. Especially for Christian Palestinians the ignored group. The evil perpetrated by the Israeli government is unjustifiable and ignorant people defend it without having a clue about what they’re defending. It’s disgusting and pathetic.
So do you support and the rape, torture and abuse of women perpetrated by Hamas?
Do you blindly support Israeli government genocide of Palestinians? 🤔
What don’t you understand about “Evil begets evil”? Look up the definition of ‘evil’, please.
Please learn reading comprehension, stop asking ignorant questions or both. Pathetic response, as expected.
You response to the article is so obviously biased against Israel, I had to ask. You are obviously anti-Israel so my question is not ignorant but reasonable; your 4th sentence is emotional and irrational.
You claim Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians.
Please document Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. The October Genocide of Israelis by Hamas is an example of genocide. Please provide a similar account of Israelis raping, torturing and abusing Palestinian women. Please provide evidence that Israeli’s have taken hostages from Gaza and held them for ransom or a prisoner swap where Hamas gave up numerous hostages for the return of a single Palestinian.
Your histrionic blind loyalty to a criminal government betrays your bias. You still refuse to acknowledge that you’re an a55 for ignoring my statement “Evil begets evil” and instead making a vitriolic backhanded claim that I support evil.
Provide proof that you have travelled extensively in Israel, met with government officials, interviewed witnesses to atrocities, verified government documents proving crimes by the Israeli government and then had to perform in collegiate debates assigned a position of Israeli hawk to argue a position you vehemently disagreed with. I did all these things, you simply regurgitate what you’ve been programmed to think.
I think for myself. You also ignore what I said. I went to Israel PRO-ISRAELI, did you NOT read that? My conscience, driven by careful months long research, convinced me that what o had been taught was not true. I was deceivef, learned otherwise and changed my view. You’re deceived, obviously. You’re closed minded and ignorant enough to think that you know the facts when you’ve never done more than slurp down propaganda. Then ask me loaded, ignorant, disrespectful questions. You’re an a55, apparently.
I support Israel this injustice and horrible crime can not be ignored … send them to the All Mighty to be judged.
NAZI scum like you are abominations to humanity. In the end, you will suffer the fate that you advocate for others. You are an abomination!
Agreed, Ignorant NAZI scum that advocate for the murder of innocent men, women and children in the name of blind loyalty to ideology should ALL be killed. Islam or Israel.
You make 100% pure projection.
Why do you blindly support Israeli government genocide of Palestinians, you Nazi?
Has the modern Israel EVER committed any evil act? There are indisputably MANY. Can you name EVEN ONE? Let’s see just how far your head is up Israel’s a55, by your refusal/inability to answer. 🤔
Your need to LIE and insist I support evil only exposes your disgusting justification for evil, murder, genocide, etc by Israel. I’ve stated REPEATEDLY that EVIL BEGETS EVIL, it’s ALL evil. You should stop blindly supporting evil, you “NAZI scum”.
Absolutely. The need to rid the world of all these demons. The IDF should kill them all!!!!
go back to hell mr canard tropestein. israelis the spawn of satan merciless mass killers and mike synder is a POS traitor and doomsday prophet
What “evil” has Israel done to justify what Hamas did in you cold callous evil heart? Can you be specific?
Straw man argument much? How long have you been molesting children and why haven’t you stopped? 2 can play that game, a55.
Let’s see how far your head is up Israel’s a55.
Has Israel EVER committed any crimes against anyone? 🤔
I’ll be waiting a looooong time, won’t I?😂
Do you blindly support assertions by Hamas of the number of Palestinians killed by Israel? You obviously accept the Hamas claim of Israeli genocide.
Let’s see how far your head is up Israel’s a55.
Has Israel EVER committed any crimes against anyone? 🤔
I’ll be waiting a looooong time, won’t I?😂😂
“War is such a dangerous business that the mistakes which come from kindness are the very worst.”
Carl von Clausewitz
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t hear many, if any, requirements put upon Hamas. Why? They are the second party in this war and they did attack Israel. Outside Israel, there are not many demands that Hamas release all of the hostages, unconditionally.
Using America’s example of Native American reservations, Egypt may be persuaded to give the Palestinians a protectorate, of several hundred square miles in the Sinai, with 10 miles of Mediterranean coast line. The area would have to be at least 50 miles from the Israeli border.
Wind and solar farms could provide the foundation for the Palestinian infrastructure. Generating their own electricity, the Palestinian’s desalination operations would give them water security. Foreign aid could once more keep the Palestinians afloat, but with no risk of IAF airstrikes.
This is a no-go for most people, but what has been the most successful results for making a lasting peace in the last 75 years? The Palestinians and Israelis have not been good neighbors, since Israel was born.
That would ONLY work if Palestinians stop electing religious terrorists into political office. As for the Zionists, they too are learning to pay for mixing God up with Caesar.
Any aid monies given to Jihad Johnny would be converted to war materials to kill. They all are possessed and give up their children to be possessed… a never ending circle of evil.
There’s a reason why Jesus separated God and Caesar, and in the end will shatter all politics. Just look at the Islamists, Zionists, Hinduists, and other politico-religious heresies. But it took Christians until America to finally wrest control and separate religion and politics. Sadly, ever since WW I, we’ve relapsed by supporting or enabling all forms of un-American ideologies across the globe, even made up climate cults. We need to return to our own hemisphere and help fellow ex-colonies in our own backyards, for a real change to peace. 🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏽
Impossible to separate religion and politics.
That’s a basic tactic of Marxism, another religion.
Just people that insist their religious beliefs are ‘normal’ and other beliefs are forbidden.
Religion: any object of conscientious regard and pursuit. Webster’s dictionary.
hey mike,
this is supposed to be a christian site. that means there are bigger — and more eternal — issues at hand in ANYTHING that involves Jews/isarael. we all know that jew hate is satanic, so there are no limits to the evil. been that way for the entire church age. ever studied the history of the r. catholic church? rabid, satanic persecution/murder of jews from about AD 450 until el pope-o lost his terrorist proxies (spain, france, italy, etc.) to the rush for land and gold in the americas — roughly AD 1650. ps, mike, i was raised catholic. all this came through God’s hands, meaning He ALLOWED it, anybody who’s been in combat has experienced the terrifying reality that the Lord will not infrequently let the most rotten guys live, and will take away the most noble/selfless. word on the street is that He doesn’t make mistakes. on the other hand, anybody, yeah down to a single person, who messes with the jews is going to be paid back exponentially. that’s bible truth. hands off. period. one more uncomfortable observation: what were those young jews doing at their ‘festival.’ it was a totally pagan gig, mike. study up for yourself. no, i’m not swuggesting that Ha Shem allowed this massacre because of that; again, the Word is clear that there will be hardly any of jacob’s children putting their trust in God when Messiah returns; AND that they will have become an unbearable burden to ALL the goy nations, they were supposed to WAIT for Messiah to bring them back to the land; that’s wey, since 1948, their life over there has been dog squeeze. our job? PRAY FOR THEM<.
To supporters of Israel:
Has the modern Israel EVER committed any crimes against anyone?
If yes, elaborate.
The Qana Massacre is a better example.
Secret thought of blind Israel supporters: 🤔 “If I don’t blindly support EVERYTHING Israel does, God will send me to Hell!”
After reading a lot of these argument I see the guy studied in Israel but dare say would NEVER do that in Palestine. Nope. So he is FOOL of nonsense by any measure.
Your blind loyalty to Israel is noted, moron. Your belligerent ignorance is typical.
Has the modern Israel EVER committed any crimes against anyone? If so, give specifics. You won’t answer, will you, fool?
I studied in both and both Jews and Palestinians were very hospitable and kind. Except, only some Jews justified horrific crimes against Palestinians, it was disgusting and disgraceful. You’re truly clueless and bigoted.
Uh. the USS Liberty comes to mind.
Are you one of the blind Israel supporters? If not, I wasn’t talking to you, as plainly stated.
Shills for Israel need to admit Israel’s guilt.
Horrible atrocities. Solve it all by buying my gold and freeze dried beef.
Our media lies their asses off, do you think Israeli media is any less depraved? You’re a sucker if you believe anything they say. dispensationalism is heresy, by the way.
The irony of pretending the killers on both sides aren’t working towards the Same end. That of being able to terrorize anyone anywhere whenever they need to produce a distraction. That Israel Funds Hamas and then pretends they’re a terrorist organization is a joke.
Anyone picking sides is to stupid to see the whole farce from a higher altitude of Accountability.
Anyone excusing/justifying their Choice of a side is to dumb to see the people pushing the emotional stories are using the division to get two groups of people to destroy themselves fighting each other.
The only Choice is Accountability of Authorities/governments or continued manipulation by Cuntrollers.
Agreed. Israel needs to own it’s 5hlt, for once.
Instead, millions of blind sycophants of Israel/Jews will excuse any and all manner of evil by them. And the revenge will continue.
To those who say Israel has done terrible things on the level of the savagery done on Oct.7 by Hamas please name those things and give details and dates because I have an open mind and wish to know. I dont have a side in this argument and want to understand better this conflict. All I know is that there was peace on Oct 6 and without warning civilians in Israel were butchered in ways that are satanic and unspeakable. The images and video I have seen are unforgettavle. Also bombs were flying into Israel in this surprise attack and without their Iron dome so many more would have died. I have seen videos of Hamas shooting into cars, shooting into bathroom stalls, beheading people, spitting on dead civilians as they parade the bodies, rooms full of dead civiliams with blood everywhere and Hamas shooting into their dead corpses, grabbing bloodied women they have raped by their hair, kidnapping old women, etc. Where are the videos of IDF soldiers comitting atrocities like this? Where? I would like to know.
There are many HEINOUS crimes by Israel, the Qana massacre is just one. Go look it up. Wholesale, premeditated mass murder. Lies and cover-ups by Israel and the typical Jewish trope of “ANTISEMITE” label for anyone trying to hold them accountable, even if the investigator is married to a Jew.
Hamas and Israel have both engaged in much evil. The fact that you’re not aware of ANY by Israel shows how effective the propaganda and concealment of Israel’s crimes is. Or, you willfully refuse to investigate Israel’s guilt.