(The Economic Collapse Blog)—A “perfect storm” is raging all around us, and our world is so close to plunging into a complete and utter state of chaos that even the mainstream media is talking about it. The past several years have been a time when multiple major wars have begun, pestilences have paralyzed the entire planet, the worst global food crisis in modern history has erupted, and we have been hit by a seemingly endless series of natural disasters. But there is a growing consensus that even more difficult times are ahead of us. During a roundtable discussion on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, CBS News correspondent Catherine Herridge actually confessed that she is concerned that “2024 may be the year of a black swan event”…
CBS News’ “Face the Nation” held a roundtable on Christmas Eve, affording various talking heads an opportunity to make predictions for 2024. While most of the predictions were relatively banal, one among them stood out, prompting critics to puzzle over its possible significance.
Network correspondent Catherine Herridge, the wife of a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, suggested that “2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that’s very hard to predict.”
I agree with her, but I don’t think that it will be just one “black swan event” that we will be facing.
Specifically, Herridge gave several reasons for why she felt the need to issue such a “dark” prediction…
Herridge told the other CBS News panelists Sunday there were a number of concerns that factored into her “dark” prediction, including that “this sort of enduring heightened threat level that we’re facing, the wars in Israel, also Ukraine, and we’re so divided in this country in ways that we haven’t seen before. And I think that just creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea and China and Iran.”
It seems like I have heard all of this somewhere before.
I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…
Of course she is right on target.
So much is going to happen during the new year that is about to start.
CNN is getting in on the act too. The following comes from an article that they just posted entitled “How 2023 has been the ‘year of the brink’ and 2024 could be worse”…
It could have been immeasurably worse. But holding back from the brink in 2023 has simply deferred vast crises to 2024. The post-Covid world is exhausted, cash-strapped, but ultimately more fraught than for decades.
Overshadowing it all will be a flagging hyperpower, at best distracted with presidential elections, at worst tearing itself apart in voting disputes and political extremism.
The likelihood the United States will be occupied by its own traumas amplifies each risk. The geopolitical given of a US response will be absent, fuelling authoritarian ambition, or a radical upending of the global order. 2024 could make 2023 seem rational and sober.
Very well said.
When CNN starts publishing articles that sound like they could have been written by me, that is clearly a sign that time is very short.
Just like Herridge, the author of the CNN article is also deeply concerned about the current state of the conflict in Ukraine…
Having spent two weeks around the frontlines, it is clear Kyiv faces an existential crisis in the coming winter. It will not survive without Western help. It cannot admit to the scale of challenges it faces without being dubbed by some US Republicans a loser, unworthy of US funding.
It is true.
Ukraine will not survive without western assistance.
And even if funding is restored to previous levels, the Russians will continue to gain ground.
At some point the government in Ukraine is going to become extremely desperate, and that is when things will start to get very “interesting” over there.
Meanwhile, the war in the Middle East just continues to heat up. On Tuesday, the U.S. military conducted a series of strikes on Iranian-backed forces in Iraq…
At President Joe Biden’s direction, the U.S. military carried out the strikes in Iraq at 1:45 GMT, likely killing “a number of Kataib Hezbollah militants” and destroying multiple facilities used by the group, the U.S. military said.
“These strikes are intended to hold accountable those elements directly responsible for attacks on coalition forces in Iraq and Syria and degrade their ability to continue attacks. We will always protect our forces,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command, in a statement.
A U.S. base in Iraq’s Erbil that houses U.S. forces came under attack from a one-way drone earlier on Monday, leading to the latest U.S. casualties.
Iranian-backed forces have already attacked U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria more than 100 times.
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Whether the Biden administration is willing to publicly admit it or not, the truth is that the U.S. is already at war in the Middle East.
Could we soon be at war with China as well?
Chinese President Xi Jinping just issued quite an ominous statement about Taiwan…
President Xi Jinping vowed on Tuesday to resolutely prevent anyone from “splitting Taiwan from China in any way”, the official Xinhua news agency reported, a little more than two weeks before Taiwan elects a new leader.
China views democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory, despite the strong objections of the government in Taipei, and has ramped up military and political pressure to assert its sovereignty claims.
The Chinese will not invade before the upcoming election in Taiwan.
And I don’t think that the Chinese will invade during the early months of 2024. But an invasion is most definitely coming.
For years, I have been urging my readers to watch Russia, China and Israel. Now a time of global conflict is upon us, and many believe that 2024 will be the year when we finally pass the point of no return.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Pray for Putin
Most of what we’re seeing is Joe Biden and the Democrat Left and RINOs manipulating the world into deliberate chaos per the orders of their Globalist masters – organizations like the WEF and the United Nations. Maybe others like even the Vatican itself. Our leaders are corrupt and evil. The only thing that will save this world is repudiating the corrupt System that allows men like Joe Biden to steal elections and pretend to be President, and return to God and follow the order we see in nature and the Bible.
Meh, God-fearing Christians haven’t had any “national security” for almost a decade now, since government made sexual immorality a protected class. You can’t bake a cake and sell it without being sued. We can’t even send our children to kindergarten without them being targeted and groomed into it. Can’t hardly walk down the flipping street without being extorted into violating our conscience and defying the Lord and His word.
You can’t have a business in certain cities without it being looted and destroyed every few years.
If you live anywhere near the border, forget it. No security for you either.
What national security?
When they say “national security” they’re talking about government security, and the security of the establishment ruling caste. Government’s concern for the security of citizens was tossed out the window long ago. As far as it is concerned, we are the enemy. It’s gotten so bad that every time we exhale or fart we’re supposedly a threat to the planet’s very existence.
Our intel agencies are more concerned with going after parents and spying on churches than they are with security of the country.
Security? Don’t make me laugh.
Our security is solely in the hands of the Lord.
God helps those who help themselves. You are weak, and and a liar.
Appears somebody got triggered. What did I say that is not true?
Everything I posted are things that are actually happening. And I didn’t come close to posting it all. In VA, the state has ripped a child from Christian parents because they won’t support the abominable sins of homosexuality and transvestism.
The list is a mile long.
Don’t even try to tell me the government is our friend, much less our savior. You know that’s hogwash.
Further I neither said nor implied that we should not do for ourselves. Yours is a false dichotomy. What I said is that our security is totally in the hands of the Lord. Even when we do “help ourselves” that is still true. It’s still ultimately in His hands. And He gave us His word to go by. Honoring Him and His word in all we do is the best help we could ever give to ourselves. If we defy it and dishonor Him, then we are inviting consequences. It is impossible to help yourself by violating your conscience and going against the Lord and His word. That’s the entire point to begin with. If you do dishonor Him, then He is not going to help you. Instead you’re going to suffer the consequences both here and now and for eternity. It is His definition of “help” that matters.
A bio weapon might come out of China again and major infrastructure attacks combined with election interference as they did in 2020 but an attack on Taiwan is highly unlikely. I firmly believe China will try to corrupt the politics of Taiwan so force is not necessary similar to the process which they corrupted the US via Obama/Biden. How Ukraine fares with the F16 will be closely monitored since Taiwan uses the F16 as its backbone. China has zero experience at war making.
Russia will no doubt take all of Ukraine as the West has been fleeced by Biden protégés in the Ukraine government, there simply are not enough weapons or money to prop them up. The NATO bid is a paper tiger, no teeth and Europe is the reason why, liberal cowards.
The Middle East is where this event will come from. Biden is and abject disgrace and so is his entire woke apparatus. Proportional response eh? 110+ attacks by Iran basically using the billions of dollars idiot Biden gave them produced 4-5 US responses and those blowing up buildings only? Nobody is shipping through the Red Sea because the Biden DoD is weak and has no means to secure safety of US flagged ships let alone others. It’s so bad even Canada and Australia sent no warships only a few officers for Biden’s pathetic attempt to form a U.S. led coalition. That’s the rub it seems, nobody has faith in the US anymore and we can place that squarely on Biden and his progressive stooges. Israel will use the U.S. as they always have and Iran has no fear of the US. The region is changing rapidly. I envision a drone swarm on US warships depleting their very expensive and limited defensive weapons leading to a disaster of earth shattering proportions as the U.S. loses its superpower status as Biden is paralyzed and the US dollar crashes.
Why is it when Iran attacks our troops it’s terrorism but when we attack their troops it a military action?
Because atheistic, relativist, critical theory has infected the minds of many. It runs deep. It was pounded into our brains in schools. It’s the same reason the killing of an Iranian solider in Hezbollah headquarters is considered by some to be equivalent to the targeting and slaughter of 1400 Israeli civilians. It’s the same reason one side can intentionally target and slaughter civilians, yet if the other fights back and there are unintended civilian casualties, the latter is considered a war crime when the former is not.
Principles such as good and bad, right and wrong, righteousness and sin have been replaced with darwinist, atheistic, relativist notions of identity, such that it doesn’t matter what anyone does, but rather their classification. Iran is seen as the oppressed underdog. The US and Israel are seen as the oppressor.
The result is that actions of governments, state actors, and militaries are now called terrorism. And it makes no sense whatsoever.
You’re darned right, when the Iranian government attacks it is not terrorism, but rather is an act of war. The same goes for Hamas, as the governmental entity in Gaza. Attacks by Hamas are acts of war. If civilians are targeted, then total war.
Maybe it is coordinated psychological warfare, or maybe it is simply the mass, reprobate stinking thinking that results when people embrace wickedness, turn their backs on, and thumb their noses at, Almighty God.
It’s called reaping what you’ve sown.
Those on both sides of politics will refer to Iran as a “state sponsor of terrorism”
Yet, the truth is there’s no such thing as a state sponsor of terrorism. If a state sponsors it, then it is an act of war.
Think about things like that, and you begin to realize how much our thinking has been infected with the critical theory mind plague. Just because the left is pushing it, doesn’t mean the right is immune.
Those who embrace it do so in order to try to justify their sins. In the reverse, it’s an excuse to say “we’re the good guys, no matter what we do.”
The case of Iran is a good example. The CIA went in there on behalf of British corporate interests, and made a mess of it. Our government created the current Iranian monster. But our government says “it doesn’t matter what we do, because we’re the good guys”
In either case, it’s reprobate thinking, and pretty much the same reprobate thinking. A means of setting questions of what’s right and what’s wrong on the back burner, if not entirely off the stove and into the trash can.
This is what happens when a nation and a world turn away from God. There are unavoidable consequences.
Easy answer…we don’t attack their troops…we respond to their attacks. Duh,
Yes, at this point in time that is true, but that does not negate the fact that their sanctioned attacks are also military actions, and are therefore acts of war …
MSM is nothing more than the propaganda machine of the deep state. They push their agenda and protect those doing harm to our country. Ironically, they are now sounding the alarm, it must be much worse than we think.
There’s a word for what’s coming, Armageddon.
When even Fake News organizations begin to worry, you know it’s serious. They did so much to help create the catastrophe. Kind of late to worry about it now. I am grateful to be elderly. One foot on a banana peel and the other foot in my grave. I consider myself fortunate. I think of the decades I warned imbeciles about the approaching catastrophe. Now here we are. You can’t fix stupid. So true. Trump 2024! America First! ULTRAMAGA!