The queer activist and former surgical assistant in London dubbed the ” Eunuch Maker ” who pleaded guilty to live-streaming castration porn last month admitted Thursday in court that he removed a man’s testicle with his younger boyfriend for cash in his home.
Marius Gustavson, originally from Norway, ran the Eunuch Maker website where subscribers would pay to watch videos of body mutilation. He made up to £200,000, Daily Mail reports .
Gustavson himself had his leg amputated after he stuck it in dry ice for 2 hours and afterward received £18,500 in disability.
10 men total have been charged in relation to the live mutilation scheme which involved 29 extreme body modifications, body part removals, and trade of body parts with 8 other men.Thursday in court, former surgical assistant David Carruthers, 61, and Janus Atkin, 37, admitted conspiracy to commit bodily harm.A bulk of Gustavson’s followers on his multiple social media […]
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