The Epstein client list is delayed until at least January 22nd. Jane Doe 107 requested a 30-day extension because the release could cause harm in her country. That sounds bogus.
Doe 107 has already given an interview.
The people on the list include victims or witnesses. Some victims and others have their names sealed for good reason.
The list itself is from a civil suit – the Virginia Guiffre case. It’s not a federal government criminal case. Don’t be disappointed if the list is a lot of nothing. BREAKING: The Epstein list that was expected to be released today (Jan. 2nd 2024) has now been delayed and a new release date has been scheduled for January 22, 2024 after “Doe 107” made a request for a 30 day extension last month that was accepted by the Judge today. — TeasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) January 3, 2024 Earlier, Aaron Rogers suggested Jimmy Kimmel is […]
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