Three women stand behind voting booths, and the center booth reads “Vote Day.” Administrative agencies are having a direct effect on whether Alaskans who don’t want RCV can organize and get their message out to voters. Share
Efforts to repeal ranked-choice voting (RCV) in Alaska are proving confusing, and chaotic — just like RCV itself. But a disturbing question lies just beyond the pro-RCV and anti-election lobby smoke bombs: Does the Alaskan government have a tacit hand in silencing concerned citizens?
Ranked-choice voting is profoundly complicated to explain, which in itself should be a giant red flag. It is a proposed change to our voting system pushed nationwide by some Republican operatives as well as left-wing organizations determined to influence election outcomes through process changes — funded by politically power-hungry billionaires (see Gehl and Arnold funding).
Instead of voting for a single candidate of their choice, the RCV system has […]
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