The hospitality sector is withering on the vine in Washington D.C., as ill-judged leftist policies on tipped workers drive prices up and employment down, and soaring crime scares customers away.
Led by Mayor Muriel Bowser and a Council comprised entirely of Democrats and “independents” who were formerly Democrats, the U.S. capital recently began implementing Initiative 82, a ballot measure increasing tipped workers’ base wage more than threefold.
As a result, full-service restaurant employment – previously up 17 percent – is down by four percent since the changes took effect in May. A majority of surveyed restaurateurs say they now intend to lay off workers, while almost a third intend to close venues, and half intend to begin operating in neighboring Maryland or Virginia.
Surviving servers have also seen mixed results. With employers increasing prices and adding surcharges to bills to meet the rise in payroll costs, they now have fewer customers, many […]
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