A convoy of trucks, cars and recreational vehicles is heading to the border for a series of rallies from California to Eagle Pass, Texas.
Noel Roberts, of Take Our Border Back , said the rallies are peaceful protests meant to send a message to lawmakers that Americans are fed up with the illegal alien invasion.
“Most importantly, peacefully and lawfully is our number one goal. We are working with local law enforcement. We are not some rogue group of people. We are just citizens in America who live near the border, who want to get our voices and use our First Amendment properly and lawfully and peacefully, honestly,” Roberts said on The Todd Starnes Radio Show.
Rallies will be held in three border cities on Feb. 3 including Eagle Pass, Texas, Yuma, Arizona and San Ysidro, California. Click here for details. And the convoy will span from Virginia Beach, Virginia to […]
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