A Catholic church in Montreal has just begun its own conversion into a mosque, but no military conquest was necessary — a mujahid simply walked into the church and politely asked permission for his “Allahu Akhbar,” [Islamic war cry ], and his request was just as politely granted by the priest.
I don’t know exactly what the next steps in the conversion process will be. Maybe the guy will return later with several fellow mujahideen, who will lay down their prayer rugs and begin elevating their fundaments without even bothering to ask permission. Maybe the priest will take down the cross and request that parishioners refrain from wearing any Christian religious symbols so as not to offend the sensitivities of the new members of the congregation.
Oh, and ladies — please cover your hair and move to the back of the nave behind the screen…
Read the Whole Article From the Source: rairfoundation.com
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