Liberal media outlets such as CNN and Rolling Stone have had an absolute meltdown over Jack Posobiec calling out the Taylor Swift psyop. Posobiec has highlighted on his show, Human Events Daily, and on his social media that Taylor Swift will most likely be used to sway voters towards Joe Biden in the 2024 election should she endorse him. This theory has gained traction due to her excessive appearances and essential hijacking on NFL networks ahead of the Superbowl. Ironically, CNN reported Tuesday morning on the fact that Biden has sought out Swift for an endorsement, yet has attacked Posobiec for commenting on that very idea.
Posobiec delivered an impactful speech at Turning Point Action’s Restoring National Confidence Summit in Las Vegas during which he explained “It’s not about Taylor Swift … It’s about the machine around her.” Rolling Stone said in an article: “Former presidential candidate and MAGA blowhard […]
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