Leftist academics orchestrate smear of Texas history buff, paint an effort to highlight the state’s slave history as the opposite Michael Loccisano/Getty Images A battle has broken out in Texas between academic historians and hobbyist history buffs — with the hobbyists advocating for exploring history through primary source material, and the “experts” opting to push modern far-Left politics.
It came to a head this month after a veteran publisher of Texas history books wrote to a member of the Texas Historical Commission, a government body that runs historical sites, with a list of all the books sold at the gift shop of the Levi Jordan plantation outside of Houston. Of the 23 books sold, few had to do with the plantation, Texas history, or slavery in Texas. Instead, many were modern leftist political screeds or unrelated lamentations about black victimhood in other times and places.
They included books about Malcolm X, […]
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