Former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, who lost her primary by 36 percentage points, appeared on CBS News with John Dickerson to carry on with her mission.
She doesn’t like House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and demonized him with World War II language. She claimed he’s a dishonest “COLLABORATOR” supporting the man who tried to “OVERTHROW the election. “
“What Donald Trump is trying to do, he can’t do it by himself. He has to have collaborators. And the story of Mike Johnson is the story of a collaborator and of someone who knew then and knows now that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please Donald Trump,” Cheney told CBS News. “And that’s what makes it dangerous.”
“The Speaker of the House is a collaborator to overthrow the last election. to overthrow the last election?” host Dickerson asked. “Absolutely,” Cheney replied.SHE […]
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