CHAZ guerilla gardening A garden planted in 2020 in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement by rioters 2020 inside the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) — formerly the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) — has been removed by Seattle authorities.
The CHAZ, or CHOP, formed within a six-block area of Seattle in June 2020 after rioters were successful in forcing police to abandon the Eastern Precinct. For several weeks, anarchy ensued, until murders in the zone, and pressure from President Donald Trump, prompted its removal .
As Breitbart News’ Penny Starr reported at the time: “The occupied area includes a park, which is also being taken over by the people inside the zone, and the Seattle Times penned a feature about the “guerilla gardening” as part of a “new communal effort.”
Activists took over part of the Cal Anderson Park where circles had been mowed in the grass to encourage […]
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