At least 90 prominent Catholic leaders have signed an open letter asking Cardinals and Bishops around the world to oppose plans by Pope Francis to introduce blessings to same-sex couples.
The letter argues that Fiducia Supplicans , a Vatican doctrine signed and approved last month by the Pope, would allow the blessing of “objectively sinful” relations and must be opposed at all costs.
Cardinals and Bishops are asked to “forbid immediately the application of this document in your diocese” as well as contacting the Pope directly to demand he “urgently withdraw this unfortunate document, which is in contradiction with both Scripture and the universal and uninterrupted Tradition of the Church.”A copy of the letter was published by LifeSiteNews : The blessing of a couple (whether “liturgical” or “pastoral”) is, so to speak, a natural sign . The concrete gesture says something naturally, and therefore has a natural, immediate […]
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