(End of the American Dream)—Before our leaders drag us into the middle of World War III, perhaps we should step back and take a hard look at our own capabilities. Military recruiting has been way down, ammunition levels have fallen to dangerously low levels because of how much we have sent to Ukraine, and our enemies have developed cutting edge new weapons systems that we cannot match. But Joe Biden and his all-star team of warmongers continue to push everyone around as if this was the 1980s and everyone is still deeply afraid of the U.S. military.
It is time for all of us to acknowledge that the world has changed.
In 2021, the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban reconquered the entire country even before we were able to get everyone out.
In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, and despite the fact that we have sent them giant mountains of money the Ukrainians are losing more territory with each passing day.
In 2023, a major war erupted in the Middle East. U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria have already been attacked more than 100 times because Iranian-backed forces are not afraid of us. And a naval battle that resulted in the destruction of three Houthi vessels just made headlines all over the planet…
A naval battle likely to send shockwaves throughout the Middle East erupted in the early hours of Sunday after US helicopters intervened in support of a container ship trying to navigate the key trade route.
Four vessels with mounted weapons and small arms coming from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen fired upon the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou and got within 20 metres of the ship, according to the US military.
This aggressive move prompted helicopters from nearby US warships to respond to the distress call. The military said that, after the aircraft were shot at by the Houthis, they sank three “small boats” in “self-defence”.
The truth is that the U.S. is already at war in the Middle East.
And once Israel decides it is time to push Hezbollah back to the Litani River in southern Lebanon, the U.S. is going to be even more deeply involved. Meanwhile, it appears that the conflict in Ukraine is about to go to another level.
The Ukrainians have been shelling civilian targets in the Russian city of Belgorod in order to provoke the Russians into doing something really dramatic which will make lots of headlines and cause more military aid to come flowing in from the western world.
Vladimir Putin is extremely angry about the attacks on Belgorod, and he is vowing to “intensify strikes”…
Vladimir Putin vowed to unleash hell on Ukraine saying his forces would “intensify” their attacks on the country following strikes in Russia’s Belgorod region on Saturday.
Speaking during a New Year’s Day visit to a military hospital, Putin said Ukraine could expect more such strikes after shelling of the Russian border city of Belgorod that killed more than two dozen people and wounded more than 100 others.
“They want to intimidate us and create uncertainty within our country. We will intensify strikes. Not a single crime against our civilian population will go unpunished,” the Russian leader said, describing the barrage of Belgorod as a “terrorist act.”
Over the past couple of years, the U.S. has provided far more funding for the war in Ukraine than anyone else, far more weapons for the war in Ukraine than anyone else, far more ammunition for the war in Ukraine than anyone else and far more intelligence for the war in Ukraine than anyone else.
And now Joe Biden is warning that there is a risk that “the United States gets pulled in directly”…
“The stakes of this fight extend far beyond Ukraine,” Biden reiterated Friday. “They affect the entirety of the NATO alliance, the security of Europe, and the future of the transatlantic relationship.
“When dictators and autocrats are allowed to run roughshod in Europe, the risk rises that the United States gets pulled in directly. And the consequences reverberate around the world. We cannot let our allies and partners down. We cannot let Ukraine down. History will judge harshly those who fail to answer freedom’s call.”
So could we end up being directly involved in a major war in the Middle East and a major war with Russia at the same time?
Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping just warned that “reunification” with Taiwan is a “historical inevitability”…
“The reunification of the motherland is a historical inevitability,” Xi said, though the official English translation of his remarks published by the Xinhua news agency used a more simple phrase: “China will surely be reunified.”
“Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” he added. The official English translation wrote “all Chinese” rather than “compatriots.”
So will Xi Jinping attempt to “reunify” with Taiwan in 2024?
Most Americans don’t realize this, but the moment that China makes a move against Taiwan we will be at war with the Chinese.
But can our military actually handle a war with China?
A retired U.S. Army Colonel recently wrote an article in which he claimed that once such a war starts “American forces will likely burn through munitions stocks within three weeks”…
In a U.S. fight with China, American forces will likely burn through munitions stocks within three weeks. Even with a surge of the U.S. industrial base, replenishing stocks will take more than six months. In the interim, the U.S. will be without sufficient bombs and bullets for its cutting-edge systems, such as fifth-generation fighter jets and High Mobility Rocket Launcher Systems, and anti-air missiles needed to protect our nuclear aircraft carriers and bases in the Pacific.
Right now, the warning indicators are blinking red. The massive need for ammunition in such conflicts highlights weaknesses in the American defense industry, which no longer produces munitions at the rate it did decades ago. The post-Cold War defense budget reductions led to a swift merger of the defense sector, which saw a drop from fifty-one major defense providers in the early 1990s to five by the end of that decade. This consolidation led to a tightened capacity.
If all of that is true, how in the world can we possibly fight a war with China?
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And how in the world can we possibly fight a war with Russia?
And let us not forget that Kim Jong Un continues to make threats about going to war with us…
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his military should “thoroughly annihilate” the United States and South Korea if provoked, state media reported Monday, after he vowed to boost national defense to cope with what he called an unprecedented U.S.-led confrontation.
North Korea has increased its warlike rhetoric in recent months in response to an expansion of U.S.-South Korean military drills. Experts expect Kim will continue to escalate his rhetoric and weapons tests because he likely believes he can use heightened tensions to wrest U.S. concessions if former President Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election in November.
I believe that 2024 will be a year of war, and in my new book entitled “Chaos” I explain in great detail why the United States is not even close to ready.
In recent years our military has been gutted, eviscerated and transformed into a politically-correct joke.
We couldn’t even defeat the Taliban, and now we are faced with the possibility of fighting three major wars simultaneously.
We are in so much trouble, but most Americans seem to believe that we are still the same global military powerhouse that we were when the first Top Gun movie was originally released.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Why isn’t Congress mandating our munitions factories to be running 24/7 replenishing our ammo?
Promotions are not based on getting thing done, it’s all about looking good and heaven forbid EVER make a decision. Congress follows the “experts” that are operating under these rules which includes themselves.
What munitions factories?
The Axis of evil members need the price of their oil to remain high, so they can afford to fund their mischief. Under Trump’s drill-baby-drill administration, we kneecapped these world occupiers & terrorists by lowering the price of oil to record level.
Sure would be handy to have that $3 billion in hardware we left if afghanistan…huh?
It was $80 billion worth of military hardware.
That’s the domain of the Executive Branch – See Article I of the Constitution. Biden has sent US troops’ combat munitions and weapons systems and billions of dollars to Ukraine while spending hundreds of billions of dollars supporting a southern invasion/repopulation of the United States.
As long as CRT training continues, the personal pronouns of U.S. military personnel are respected, taxpayers fund abortions for females in uniform, and the USO puts on drag queen shows near the front lines, it should be possible.
The Satanic political Scamdemocrats & the Marxist leftists who fund them & push their propaganda, are a plague on humanity. Absolutely everything they touch, withers, rots & dies on the vine.
Russia’s supposed advances on the battlefield are a joke that publications like this say without context or even some semblance of reality. They read the latest Russian MOD propaganda and take it as fact. The Russians claim much and it mostly is not the truth or they give it back fairly quickly. Just look at what Russia grabbed during their initial offensive and look at the map today and say without lying Russia is advancing. These WWI infantry assault tactics are not going to last much longer and without any real possibility of replacement Russia has used up most of its offensive capabilities on the ground. Sure they’re in a winning position. Time to take Ukraine off life support which we have been doing since the beginning and go all in with military supplies. They are actually destroying the Russian army with material we were letting rot in warehouses. As to starving our other allies like Israel and Taiwan, well sorry but they’ve had years and years to be prepared for whatever their future unfolds but neither are attritioning the Russian army which is a good thing.
Everything you said is wrong. The Russians didn’t take and lose territory initially. They sent forces into Kiev to scare the Ukranians into surrendering. It would have worked, too, except the UK and US pressured Ukraine into fighting, as Ukrainian sources are screaming at everyone who will listen. The Russians were surprised by this, and pulled back to their territories to prepare to fight a proxy war with NATO they didn’t expect. The Russians have said the whole time that their strategy is to protect the territories that voted to join them and grind down the Ukranian forces and limited NATO munitions/supplies/manpower/equipment, which is exactly what they’ve done. Russia will take more territory and engage in regime change because they have finally accepted that American leadership is insane and barbaric. Their military has been expanded to be the biggest and most capable in the world. Russia has no problem recruiting, unlike the US. Russia hasn’t eviscerated their military/intelligence with the woke/trans cult like the US. They produce tons of munitions while America/NATO begs their allies for their stockpiles since the cannot produce a tenth of what Ukraine needs. The Russian economy is booming. Russia has pulled basically all of our non-Western allies into their fold. These are facts. This is all a direct effect of how corrupt, inept and vicious to our traditional values the cult that stole control of America is. They will (have?) start a world war, and America will lose because they crippled us beforehand.
B.S. Time to pull the plug on this failed proxy war which has only bankrupted our Military and enriched the pockets of the comedian Zelensky and his cronies not to mention given the Big Guy his 10%. Ukraine is a goner and good riddance to these NAZI loving Anti Semites.
The article is clearly referring to China’s capabilities enabled by intellectual property theft.
INCOMPETENCY HAS A COST. THE INCOMPS we are dealing with in this country leave us all IN THE LINE OF FIRE…that is coming (IS HERE NOW).
And let us not muse over the $34,000,000,000,000 IN RED INK WE CAN NEVER REPAY…who stole the MONEY?
“Israel decides to push Hezbolah back?” You are believing the Israeli propoganda, and they lie. Israel is already faltering in Gaza. Their best brigade has been pulled out due to losses. Hezbolah has already defeated Israel in the past, and since then, Hezbolah has increased its capabilities while Israel has weakened theirs with the same woke rot that has destroyed America’s military (which is largely pushed by progressive Jewish organizations (SPLC, ADL, AIPAC). Israel is really good at bullying and killing civilians, but they will fold immediately if they face a real threat, as the past has shown. Their entire reputation is based on brutality and one victory decades ago.
The US can not fight a peer to peer war and have any chance at all. 20 years fighting cave dwellers in Afghanistan and the US ran away as US marines were slaughtered at the gate. The USA can alway send ‘in’ the USS Harvey Milk, they always attach the rear. the US military is a JOKE, a bad one. Signed, A US VET
Wrong question? Should be asking if the US could even whip Cuba?
Absolutely, the US can fight three major wars simultaneously but they will lose each and every one. When NATO ran out of ammo ‘defensively’ attacking Libya, I knew our militay capability was hollow. In 1992 newly formed Russia modernized its weapons manufacturing capacity. Since their military/industrial complex is State regulated (privately owned), they built what they needed without political interference to build over-priced, over-complicated systems that would earn huge profits and large donations to politicians. The US has a corrupt system of weapons procurement that doesn’t address the real defense needs but instead, is a vehicle for draining tax dollars into large corporation that hire retired generals/admirals to advise them on maximising profits. Even if our procurement system wasn’t corrupt, the US has no way to move the massive amounts of men and arms great distances to sustain a conflict that lasts longer than a week; we are just too far away from conflects. If the US would go back to the Monroe Doctrine and stop being the world’s unwanted, unpaid policeman, we wouldn’t be such a target. European countries should handle conflicts in their sphere, Asians in their sphere, and so on. It’s not like the US is an unbiased arbiter in these world-wide conflicts.
Under Briben the US cannot even handle a retreat without bungling it.
* a good percentage of US soldiers and sailors are on height/weight waivers,
* personal fitness tests have been lowered to allow women to pass,
* ASVAB qualifying scores have been lowered,
* soldiers and sailors are spending time in diversity, equity, and inclusion classes rather than training,
* 30% of the country hates America,
* 10% of the country is here illegally with zero loyalty to America, and
* women are now in combat units, and we have all seen how women fare in physical challenges against below average, feminized men let alone against well-trained masculine men.
The USA is able to fight three wars.
But, considering the condition and morale of our war machinery, soldiers, sailors, airmen, and support staff and, considering the outcome of the war gaming done by our Pentagon, there is a high probability the USA will lose.
IF that holds true, what will be the outcome and result of having lost to three sovereign nations? What will the three do with our citizens, our government politicians?
The strict answer from WWII is, “Of course”. The actual answer considering government involvement in manufacture and the fact that the USA has been raising lazy little socialists for 60+ years is,, I wouldn’t bet on it.
My fellow Americans our American PATRIOTS Who would Fight foreign an domestic enemies have WRITTEN
Those who JAB oUR Patriots with GERM WARFARE
The CIVIL WAR has been Declared and SIDES ARE DRAW
WAR was declared by our own FEDCOAT GOVERNMENT IN 2020
THE RUBICON Was Crossed and if any AMERICAN thinks this DECLARATION has no
what do you mean 3…u think the 3.5 million (at least) illegals won’t be blowing up every square in of this “Karen” of a country……lol game over….
A few months ago, we had reports of war gaming done on the USA vs China scenario. There were multiple war games played out. According to the report, e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e., every single one of the games, of the multiple game scenes was lost by the US forces. Also, previously, our media published several reports of the current condition of our fighter jets (large percentage nonworkable), our Navy war ships (many not serviceable and undermanned), and our ground forces in light of the Pentagon running off great soldiers for lack of a dangerous vax. It appears that Austin and Milley have actually brought great harm to our formerly great military. Now, these months later, US corporate media appear to be encouraging real war. Who stands to gain by this? Only the military/industrial complex? Who else?
Not with Aircraft Carriers they can’t. The Gerald Ford is running away from the Middle East. So the answer would be a hard NO. A Carrier hit by an S-550 missile doesn’t know anything about American exceptionalism on its way to the bottom.
It’s a BS QUESTION and a non existent scenario! The US Military has never been able to fight a war on three major fronts! Russia China and who? Who is the third major force? There isn’t one quit asking stupids questions!