journalist Kay Burley ask the dumbest question ever to be uttered on live television on a major news program? I’m open to other possibilities, but it’s going to take some convincing.
The setup was an interview with Israeli Government Spokesman Eylon Levy. Burley then asked a question about the disparity between the number of hostages being released by Hamas compared to the number of Palestinian terrorists being released by Israel. That agreement is part of a broader four-day ceasefire that, as of this writing, has already been delayed by Hamas.
If you have any doubt about whether my headline is clickbait, you are about to be disabused of it. The first question that left me speechless (but only for a second): — Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 23, 2023 BURLEY: I was speaking to a hostage negotiator this morning. he made the comparison between […]
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