The Biden administration has teamed with the subversive Open Society Foundations (OSF) to spread sexual perversion in South Asia.
Not satisfied with spreading “trans” propaganda in Pakistan and South America, the State Department pumped more than $10,000 into something called the Queer Muslim Project (QMP), through the Soros cutout OSF.
The money continues the administration’s relentless campaign to turn the nation into an international joke, while insulting and alienating as many people across the globe as possible.
The Grant The latest waste of tax money on sex perverts will subsidize this: The Queer Muslim Project will provide a platform to a group of young LGBTQIA writers from underrepresented communities in South Asia to showcase their work at a leading Mumbai literature festival alongside writers from the Iowa Writing Program. Total thrown down the homosexual toilet: $15,000.The Queer Muslim Project , for those who don’t know, is “Asia’s leading […]
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