Don’t you be listening to those right wing conspiracy theorists, this is just normal everyday stuff right here, nothing to worry about.
X Post Loading… Yeah, no big deal, just a big gun fight at the border near Tucson. Oh, and yeah, about that, on the Mexican side of the border, after the gunfight, the Mexican military found ten — yes ten — improvised explosive devices (or IEDs).
Now, these could be simple pipe bombs, or they could be a little (or a lot) more sophisticated, we just don’t know. We do know, for absolute certain, that IEDs were seized at our southern border. Bombs.
Bombs at our southern border. The IEDs were found by Mexican authorities after Tucson border patrol observed gunshots at the U.S.-Mexico border and a Tucson supervisory border patrol agent arrested an armed person on the U.S. side who had a loaded AK-47 rifle, two […]
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