The absurd judgment calling on Rudy Giuliani to pay $148 million for defamation of Georgia election workers has prompted many responses from conservatives in both media and social media. But one response stood out as the most fitting for a verdict that is unambiguously ludicrous.
The Gateway Pundit and its leaders, Jim and Joe Hoft, are also being sued for their coverage of demonstrable voter fraud during the 2020 election. When their attorney was asked to comment, his response was likely not what the Missouri Independent expected:
The Hofts are represented by the Las Vegas law firm of Marc Randazza, who in the past has represented numerous far-right figures, including Alex Jones of InfoWars and Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer.
Asked by email Friday morning about the statements by Giuliani’s attorney, Randazza shared facts about domesticated vegetables in Mesoamerica.
That’s one way to demonstrate how detached from reality these lawsuits really are.
Amusement aside, this is a serious development on many fronts. Giuliani is essential facing a “financial death penalty” for acting on behalf of his client. That alone makes the verdict questionable because the video footage that has been shared with the public drew questions from both the right and the left. The circumstances surrounding the breach of procedures would be enough for any lawyer worth their retainer to question the legitimacy of the count.
As for The Gateway Pundit, they were acting as opinionated journalists drawing reasonable conclusions based on the evidence they presented. Their argument is that any stories published by the Gateway Pundit regarding Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss were “either statements of opinion based on disclosed facts or statements of rhetorical hyperbole that no reasonable reader is likely to interpret as a literal statement of fact.”
Both cases are nails being hammered by the Deep State to permanently bury the stolen 2020 election. Giuliani and the Hofts are just the latest examples being used to send a message to anyone questioning the legitimacy of the election. The message is this: If an attorney for the victim and respected journalists cannot make the case without being punished, then no American can.
I quote from the article above: ” If an attorney for the victim and respected journalists cannot make the case without being punished, then no American can.”
That’s exactly what the totalitarian Democrats want us to believe.