Nobody in his right mind, of course, would credit Old Joe with being insightful or perceptive. He’s a desperately corrupt, senescent apparatchik acting in the service of malevolent anti-American forces, and so that leaves us the other option: all this has been carefully planned. The Russian Collusion hoax didn’t work, the Ukraine phone call didn’t work, even the fake Jan. 6 “insurrection” didn’t, in the second impeachment proceeding, accomplish its purpose of ensuring that Trump couldn’t become president again.
Yet despite the fact that videos of what actually happened on Jan. 6 have abundantly discredited the “insurrection” narrative, the Democrats are still running with it. If enough states bar Trump from the ballot and the Supreme Court goes as wobbly as it did in the face of challenges to the integrity of the 2020 election, the establishment left will have finally driven a stake through the heart of their number […]
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