What with writing here at PJ Media, my comedy schedule, my daily radio show , and 5:30 cocktail hour—followed by tipsy eBay shopping—I sometimes struggle to find time for a shower.
I can’t be the only person who thought it weird that the governors of two of our largest states took time off from what I am sure are hectic schedules to prepare for and “perform” a televised debate, especially considering Florida’s Ron DeSantis is getting clown-slapped by Trump in the primary race and Gropey Joe Biden claims his wrinkled, octogenarian as* is gunning for a sequel term, and thus California’s Gavin Newsom won’t even be an also-ran.
Why would two busy dudes take the time?I also find it intriguing that Trump’s other runners-up, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, and “don’t tell me he isn’t being funded to go after Trump” Chris Christie meet regularly to throw mosquito punches at […]
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