Anti-gunner Jonathon Metzl isn’t a stranger to the pages of Bearing Arms, though pretty much never in a particularly flattering light.
While he’s a favorite gun control advocate of many in the media, his arguments are…troubling, to say the least.
Well, they are when they make any sense at all.Last week, for example, he tried to show how gun control can win. I was unimpressed .But Metzl has a book out and he has to pimp it as much as possible, so that means writing everywhere that will publish him.And this time, it meant writing for Time .It doesn’t start off well. Public health is the lingua franca through which liberal America understands guns, and the traumas they engender. Yeah, you know what you’re going to get.First, most people don’t think of “public health” as any lingua franca for understanding guns or so-called gun violence. That’s purely […]
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