More than twice as many Americans say their finances have deteriorated over the last six months as report they’ve improved – and a majority of those who’ve suffered loses expect things to get even worse in the months to come – a new national survey reveals.
According to results of a new Rasmussen survey released Wednesday, 41% of American adults say their financial situation has gotten worse, while just 17% say it’s gotten better.
Worse, 60% of those who’ve seen their finances dwindle also expect them to decline even more in the six months to come – nearly five times the 13% who think they’ll improve.
Conversely, two-thirds (67%) of those who experienced financial gain say they expect even brighter times ahead, dwarfing the mere 8% who are pessimistic about what the next six months holds.A plurality of all Americans expect their finances to get worse, not better (32% vs. 25%).Lower-income Americans […]
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