On Sunday, former Vice President Al Gore took the time to push climate change hysteria during an appearance on CNN. He claimed that there will be upwards of a billion “climate refugees” crossing international waters and attributed that to a “wave of populist authoritarianism and dictatorships.”
Gore said the consequence of inaction could result in losing “our capacity for self-governance.” “What happens if the world doesn’t react? What’s the worst-case scenario?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Gore, according to Breitbart News.
Gore said, “The scientist who has warned us of these mega-storms and the floods and mudslides and droughts and the ice melting and the sea level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases and climate and migrants crossing international borders in large numbers. They were dead right when they warned us about this, and so we need to pay more attention to them now.”Gore claimed that immediate action […]
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