Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), the frequently embattled 2nd District congressman, has spent much of his political career redefining what it means to be an independent leader representing a “purple district” in otherwise deep red Nebraska.
What Bacon calls leadership, however, many of his Republican constituents believe more closely resembles spinelessness, or worse, the conduct of a man compromised.
Bacon has proven himself unreliable. Despite routinely wearing his military service like a beauty pageant sash — a circumstance that hilariously backfired during the most recent of Bacon’s frequent betrayals of his conservative Republican base — Bacon’s flag-waving barely stirs a breeze anymore.
During the battle over ditching Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, Bacon aligned himself foursquare behind McCarthy, and when his side lost, he grew petulant, refusing to support the elevation of Rep. Jim Jordan — not because Jordan was a bad guy, or some other understandable reason, but rather because […]
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