In 1961, President Eisenhower gave his famous “Military-Industrial Complex” Farewell Address in which he warned about “the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power.” During this same year and in the following year, Aldous Huxley gave a talks at different institutions in California, including the UC Medical Center of San Francisco and the University of California, Berkeley, in which proposed that in the future, tyrants would no longer use terror and concentration camps, but far more refined methods of inducing the servitude of the citizenry.
Aldous Huxley delivering”Man and Civilization: Control of the Mind,” held January 28-30, 1961 at the UC Medical Center of San Francisco
Tapping into the understandable desire for comfort, security, and pleasure, the new dictators will obtain the consent of the governed by inducing them to ENJOY their servitude. At his talk at UC Berkeley in 1962, he explicitly contrasted his vision with that of Orwell’s […]
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