On Thursday, Republican Attorney Generals from across the United States filed a joint-amicus brief calling on the courts to reverse the “unconstitutional” gag order against former President Donald J. Trump in the Jan. 6 conspiracy case against him.
The states that signed onto the court filing include Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.
In a press release, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey argues that the gag order imposed on Trump is a “blatant violation of the First Amendment” that prevents Trump’s “ability to speak freely ahead of the approaching presidential election and denies Americans the right to hear free, fair and open debate from all presidential candidates.” “Missouri is a champion for free speech. President Trump, like so many Americans, has been silenced on social media platforms for daring to be a political opponent […]
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