Editor’s Note: The original title of the video by Epic Economist was, “15 Foods You Should Stockpile That Will Never Expire.” This is inaccurate. Some of the items they listed actually do expire. And while most foods have “best by” or “expiration dates” that are premature, particularly in survival situations, it’s best to assume nearly every food will expire eventually. Even our freeze-dried steaks expire after about 25-years. Nevertheless, this is a good video decent recommendations, especially for those new to preparedness and survival. With that said, here’s the Epic Economist…
Today, we’re going to dive in and cover 15 foods to stockpile that never expire, especially if stored correctly. Many of these foods can be critical to survival, providing much-needed nutrients and energy when fresh options may be limited. For those who have kept up with current events, supply chain shortages across the globe, at the Red Sea, and in other various areas may very well result in shortages affecting even basic foods.
American Patriots, the time is coming that we will have to face supply chain attacks, attacks on our American homeland, and food shortages like we’ve never before seen. That also means that the time is coming for American patriots to prepare and stock up – for your own survival and wellbeing.
Here’s the list:
- Rice
- Soy Sauce
- Instant Coffee
- Corn Starch
- Liquor
- Canned Fruits and Vegetables
- Honey
- Dehydrated Foods
- Spam
- Baking Soda
- Powdered Eggs
- Whole Grains
- Teabags
- Canned Soup
- Peanut Butter
Soy sauce? Why?
Several of these I question why we should stockpile? Perhaps adding the reasons would be helpful.